Confessions Of A Broken Desire

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*Your Pov*

Five days have passed since those UA kids have took that Bakubitch back; but to be honest I am so fucking glad that he is gone even though my brother isn't as happy about it as much as I am, I hadn't noticed that I was staring at Dabi until he looked over at and asked with a smirk on his face "Hey, [your name] what are you staring at me for?"

"Dammit! I was staring at him for to long....and now I blushing like a mad man" I thought to myself as I blushed and looked away from him.

Dabi's hand placed under my chin and whispered in my ear "Meet in my room, cause we need to talk".

I didn't realize that I was nodding my head until he patted my head and said "~Good girl~" and then he walked away to his room.

~Time Skip~

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

"Did I really just do that!?! Did I really just invite her into my room!?!" I thought as I walked into my bedroom, now I was paniking a little bit and unsure of what I was going to tell her.

I thought "Why the hell am I so nervous" as I walked over to my dresser and chaged into a pair of basketball shorts then just waited for [your name] to arrive at my room.

*Your Pov*

I was walking down the hallway to Dabi's room...I was actual kinda curious as to what he could want, I can't shake the feeling that is growing in my chest; but I don't understand why I was going to Dabi's room.

On the way I ran into Toga who now calls me 'Oni-chan' I really don't understand exactly why that she went from calling me [your name] and [nickname] to straight to Oni-chan; but I don't want to make her angry cause she can be really scary, even though if she did try to kill me, i'm not saying that I couldn't win against her! I'm just saying that I would rather not fight her.

"Hey Oni-chan, where you going so lost in thought?" She asked rocking back and forth from her heels to her toes; but she had curiousity in her gold eyes as she smiled at me.

I scratched the back of my neck nervous about not because of the fact that I didn't want to tell her where I was going, I was just still getting used to her calling me 'Oni-chan' is all.

I chuckled lightly saying "Oh.....I was on my way to Dabi's room, he asked me to go there because he wanted to talk about something".

She giggled saying with a grin "~Hehehe, I think I know what he wants to talk about~"

"What the hell is she talking about?" I thought curious about what Toga was talking about; but I wanted to know......but I didn't think I should ask her; but I wanted to know then again I didn't if that makes since to you?

She hugged me and said a 'goodbye' then skipped off down the hallway leaving me standing there dumb founded; but I shrugged it off and continued going to Dabi's room.

~Time Skip~

I stood outside of Dabi's room, I have never been in his room before I was neverous about what was behind the door and excited about being alone with him, I raised my hand going to knock on the door; but I froze and thought "I can't do this".

I sighed calming my nevres down finally getting the curage to knock on the door, after a minute I went to walk away; but then the door opened and Dabi stood there in just a pair of shorts.

I flushed red as I scanned over his toned body, I heard him chuckle at my red face saying "Like what you see [your name]?" I stuttered "S-shut up".

Dabi moved aside and let me walk in to his room, I looked around the bedroom taking in all the sights; but to my surprise his room was suprisingly clean I asked "What did you want to talk about Dabi?"

He sat down on his bed gesturing for me to sit down beside him, I was nervous so I said " thank you, I will stand".

This made him growl low and say in a damanding tone of voice "Sit down" this scared me at how damnding he is so I just did I was told and I sat down beside him.

Dabi said looking over at me from his spot beside me "[Your name] I have to tell you something".

I turned around to face him and said "Yeah, what is it Dabi?"

"I know I am not the most good looking and attractive guy, because......well you know my skin is stapled on to my face to keep it from coming off cause of how burnt it is....."

He chuckled at his own words, I stayed silent waiting for him to comtinue what he was saying; but in truth I didn't understand where he was going with this what he said next made me feel.....feel like he jist needed someone there who felt the same pain that he did.

"I really like you [your name], please if you don't feel the same way about me's fine I know I am repulsive and hidious-" I cut him off right there.

My black hair shadowed my eyes as I yelled "Hey! Your not hidious and repulsive!"

This caught him off guard, cause his eyes were wide as I kept my head down not wanting him to see my face when I spoke again my voice was softer "Your......your not any of those things"

He finally looked up from the floor to meet my eye and he started to speak "But I-"

"Don't say that about yourself! Your an amazing guy! Your strong, kind and smart!" by now I was crying because I hate when people do this talk about themsevles like they are notining?" I was still looking at the floor, my hands were balled up into fists now as I cried out.

"Your a great guy! I have seen that side of you and not alot of people have! Some poeple may treat like your a peice of shit! But I would never treat you like that! Who ever said that...."

I paused finally making my eyes look up at his turqouise eyes my tears falling down my cheeks as I cried "They are all wrong!!"

"Your beauty is on the inside! It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside! Your not a hero; but to me will always be my hero!" I yelled out as I pause for a second as arms wrapped out me.

He whispered into the crook of my neck, his hot breath sending shivers up and down my spine "[Your name] I don't understand what your trying to say to me".

I took a deep breath and gathering up my nerves and finally said "I am not good with expressing my emotions Dabi? But I will give it a here I go"

I took another ragged breath and finally saod after many moments of silenc "D-Dabi....I really like you and I want to be with".

He smiled into my neck and pulled away from the hug a chuckle escaping his lips as he said "~Hehehe~ Your so adoreible when you get so worked up over stuff like this".


I'm In Control-MHA [Dabi X Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now