Do You Wanna Play A Game?

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*Your Pov*

When I woke up Touya was still asleep, I smiled up at his face, his hair was in covering his lefr eye, he had drool on his chin, I grabbed my phone from my pillow taking a picture of my boyfriends face; but after that I checked the time on my my phone it said 5:00am.

Going wide eyed as I thought "Wait it is already 12:00am might as well get up and go out killing" I got out of his grip which was easier then I thought.

I covered Touya back up unplugging my phone, I looked back at my boyfriends sleeping form one last time before leaving the room going to the lobby.

~Time Skip~

When I walked into the lobby Kurogiri stood behind the bar counter cleaning the glass Touya had this morning before we went to my bedroom, I yawned stretching hearing a few cracks and pops come my back.

"Hey Kurogiri, where is everybody at?" I asked with a curious look like my eyes.

I started looking around for my brother Tomura, Toga, Spinner, and Magne..........cause well I didn't see them anywhere or hear Toga and her loud voice that is not mistakeable with anyone elses since I know her voice like that back of my hand.

"Oh Tomura is out doing things; but he probably is most likely out terrorizing Izuku Midiorya".

I held up my hand getting his attention, I asked in a questioning tone voice "Hold on, wait second............did you say 'Izuku Midoriya' as in the brat from U.A?"

He nodded his head which fucking ticked me off big time, I sighed annoyed by the fact that my brother went to fuck around with that U.A kid without me, I had an idea that would beat any other idea.

I went back to my room writing a note to Touys about where I was going, and what I was doing so that he didn't get scared or worried about me; but after that I put on a pair of black jeans, a black tank top, black boots, and a black hoddie, once I did that I grabbed a few guns out of my closet sticking them in a backpack, I kissed Touya's forehead saying a quick 'Goodbye' and then I left the small bedroom I stayed in.

~Time Skip~

*Third Preson's Pov*

When [your name] got back to the lobby, Kurogiri looked at her confused, she pulled her hoddie on over her head, with the bag full of guns on her shoulder; but Kurogiri asked with a raised eyebrow this mad her chuckle.

"[Your name], where are you going this late? It's midnight" he asked.

[Your name] laughed softly saying "Oh nowhere speacial just going out to play a little game with some kids".

This really confused the warp gate quirking male, she only said "Hey Kurogiri, can you warp a few teens to the old run down and abandoned building so I can play?".

He only nodded his head an did as [your name] asked, then she grabbed the walkie talkie off the counter saying "I will let you know when I am done there so you can send me home" then she walked through the warp gate.

~Time Skip~

*Your Pov*

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