Pro Hero? Your Joking

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*Izuku's Pov*

That day when me, Iida, and Todoroki fought the hero killer Stain for some strange reason that day keeps running through my head; but frankly it's not the day that running threw my head it's that girl in the cloak 'Who was she?' I keep asking myself that question; but nothing seems to be coming up.

I thought to myself as I walked down the sidewalk going to the my apartment I live in with my mom "Could she be a new pro hero?"

I heard someone from the alleyway cry out for help my legs started to move on their own as I ran to the alleyway; but when I got there the cloaked girl was there staring at a villian with a blood covered blade in his stomach when she pulled the blade out he fell to the ground holding the wound on his stomach.

I went wide eyed and stuttered looking at her with shocked and wide green eyes "Y-your the girl f-from that night with the h-hero killer".

She turned her head to face me; but I couldn't see her features because of the black hood covering face, she said "What the hell?, what is a kid like you doing out this late?"

I started twiddling my thumbs as I asked " new Pro Hero?"

She started to laugh out loud holding her stomach; but wasn't sure why she was laughing so I asked "U-um, what's so funny?"

She finally stopped laughing and wiped her eyes saying in a calm voice "Pro hero? Your joking right?"

I shook my head 'no' saying "No, I'm not you saved us that night remember; but I wanted to thank you when I saw you so thank you for saving us".

She rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance as she did this she groaned saying "Okay listen here kid before you go around thanking people randomly....I wanted revenge on that son of a bitch who used his quirk on me...."

She paused as soon as the villian started to move around she quickly pulled out a gun from under her cloak and shot him in the head and pointed it at me cocking it ready to fire again.

"There for I didn't save you or anyone else for that matter; but I'll let you go cause I'm in a good mood so tell anyone that you seen me and....."

She shot the corpse of the villian again saying "This corpse won't be the only body the heros will find tomorrow, am I understood?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head 'yes' saying that I understood what she was saying; but as she walked away I yelled "Hey wait!"

She paused mid step and looked over her shoulder at my quivering form; but I smiled at her saying "Even though you're a villian, I can tell your a good person, because any other villian would have killed me in an instant".

She grumbled and said "Whatever kid, don't get your hopes up, cause....." she pulled out her gun again saying "the next person I kill....just might be you".

And she jumped from wall to wall to get to the roof; but I stood the there for a minute and watched her leave before I continued on my way home.

*Your Pov*

I walked in the back door of the bar thinking about what that kid had said 'Even though you're a villian, I can tell your a good person because any other villian would have killed me in an instant' I mumbled under my breath "Good person? Tch....what a load of bull crap"

I went to my room changed into a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a worn out black t-shirt and a pair of black and red checkered converse sneakers.

I walked down the hallway towards the main lobby to get a strong shot of something to calm me down after the shit that I put up with tonight walking in the lobby going to the bar and I layed my head down on the counter.

After a few minutes I heard Dabi's voice from behind me say "You look like shit".

I looked over at him and laughed sarcastically saying "Hahahaha, you don't look any better" this made him laugh a little bit.

I sat up as Dabi walked behind the bar and poured a shot of jack daniel's in a glass and passed it to me after lightning it on fire saying "Here, you look like you need it".

I blew the fire out and chugged it all quickly and asked "So where is Tomura, Kurogiri, and hyper bitch?"

He shrugged his shoulders saying in a low voice "Who knows, their probably out doing something; but I just got back so I couldn't tell you".

I sighed laying my head back down on the counter he asked looking over at me as he sat down beside me in the barstool "What happen?"

I stared at him out the corner of my eye and asked "What makes you think that something is happened?"

"That sigh you just did" he said with a modern voice which made me chuckled at the point that he made; but to be honest he wasn't really wrong, that kid infuriated me I sat my chin on the top of my hands and decided to tell him what happened while I was out.

"While I was put killing, somewhere villian took down the guy I was going to kill so I killed him; but some kid had the nerve to ask me if I was a pro hero.....tch what a joke" I paused looking over at him waiting for him comment on what I just said.

I continued on talking "Then when he did that he had the nerve to tell me 'thank you for saving him and his friends' when the hero killer Stain attacked them; but I was only getting revenge on him for using his quirk on me and I got the point across that I was only getting revenge on him....I decided to let him go cause I was in a good mood he then said 'I was a good person because any other villian would have killed him in an instant' damn why do kids have to piss me off".

Dabi nodded his head saying "Trying to make you seem like a wonder you came in looking like shit, I don't blame you" then Kurogiri and Tomura warped in the lobby.

I groaned rubbing my temple with my right hand and said "Tomura....i'm pissed off I'm going to bed come get me when dinner is done" and I left the room.

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