Friend Me Not Pt.2

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The league of villians vanguard action squads [your name] has infultrated the UA training camp and waiting for the signal to let loose on the kids at the camp.


*Third person's Pov*

[Your name] sat on the old run down log as the two males came outta the bushes and Izuku (Deku) stuttered with a child like voice "U-um.....I noticed you didn't have anything to eat so I brought you something".

[Your name] faked a smile and said "Aww, that's so sweet of you, thank you so much" as she took the small bowl of curry; but when she took a bite, she thought "This tastes like shit!"

She smiled and she swallowed it while trying not to spit it out, after she swallowed it Izuku held out his hand and asked "What's your name? I don't think that I have seen you before".

She smiled and said "Hehehe, yeah um.....I'm Sofia Yukie (that is your Alias basically your fake name) nice to meet you and I'm a new transfer" he shook her hand with a smile on his face.

"Oh......that makes since why I don't reconize you from class" he giggled and scratched his head nervously about his careless ness as Todoroki placed his shoulder getting the attention of the younger male.

"Mirdiorya you know that now we know her name, that we should probably introduce ourselves to her" said the half and half haired male with the burn on his left eye.

He blushed a light shade of pink realizing that the other male was right about them knowing her name and her not knowing theirs so he was smiling as he held out his hand.

"Ahhh! Your right Todoroki!....I'm so sorry Sofia let me introduce myself my name is Izuku Midoriya" Izuku said introducing himself to [your name].

"And i'm Shoto Todoroki nice to meet you" Todoroki said with a smile; but this caused [your name] to giggled at the paniking green haired boys reaction causing the boy to blush at her cute laugh.

Izuku thought blushing "Oh my quirk she is so cute" as he covered his face with his hand so that [your name] couldn't see his face; but it was too late [your name] had already seen it.

Todoroki on the other hand he was lost in his own thoughts thinking about why this girl and Touya (Dabi) were kinda one in the same "Why does this girl and Touya have the same kind of personallity?" He kept thinking over and over and again; but nothing was coning up.....nothing at all.

*Your Pov*

"Wow these kids have know clue what me and my friends have planned; but after tonight......... hehehehe their fears will be all they will be seeing" I thought laughing internally at their foolishness and stupidity to trust someone they just met.

That stupid Izuku kid asked "So Sofia um.....I was wondering if maybe we could be friends?"

I laughed a little saying "Yeah! Sure thing Izuku!"

But inside my head I was litrally yelling "Pft hahahaha! Stupid kid, you trust to easily! That is going to be your downfall and that will be the reason why your never gonna be a true hero" after that we walked back to camp.

*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

I was very impressed by the fact that she was able to get into the camp without any problems at all; but some of the others were starting to question the faith in [your name] and it was pissing me off.

Spinner asked "Dabi? Are you sure you can trust [your name] to get into the camp? And what if she becomes a tradior to the league of villans?"

I shot a glare at him and snapped at him saying
"Don't ever question [your name]'s abilty to get thr job done without fail" this caused him to jump back a little.

I looked down at the camp with a smirk on my face saying "Let's get this plan on a roll; but remember who we are going after......we are to get the Bakugo kid and meet back at the meeting point".

When I said that we spilt up me and Twice went to distract Eraserhead, Magne and Spinner went to take out the pros, Mr.Compress went to get ready to catch the Bakugo kid, Toga went to collect blood from some of those student, and Moonfish went to distract the kids.

I thought with a smirk as I walked downt he forest with Twice on my heels "This is gonna be fun; but I just hope those psychos don't screw this plan up".

~Time Skip~

*Third Person's Pov*

A blue glow shown from the darkness of the forest as black smoke rose up to the dark star covered sky above; but all of the students were paniking as the vangaurd action squad took their plan into action.

[Your name] wasn't paniking because she already knew that it was tine to take the plan into action; but the other students were terrified  and little did they know was that things were about to get a hell of alot worse for them.

*Your Pov*

I walked into the bushes and put on my villian outfit and started to find the Bakugo kid turns out that he was a friend of that brat Izuku's; but that just made things a hell of alot easier for me; but I went ahead and left the scene before anyone could see me.

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