Recruits? What A Pain

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*Your Pov*

It's been a few days since Stain was produced dead and I was on my way back from killing another wannabe hero who fell for my trap I walked in the back door and went to the main lobby to tell my brother that I was back; but upon entering some kids were there with him and Kurogiri.

I faked a cough getting their attention "Um......Tomura who are these two little shits?" I asked looking at the kids in the room.

Kurogiri handed my a cup a water and what Tomura said made me choke on what I had in my mouth "They are our new recruites".

I said in between my coughs "*cough* Recruits? *cough* what a pain" I walked to the barstool next to my brother and sat down.

"Who the hell are you?"

I looked over my shoulder to look at whoever just spoke to me in such a rude tone of voice I seen the black haired male wearing a leather trench coat and burns on his face down to his neck and on his arms; but I turned and said "Your better lose your cockyness, scarface".

The girl in the school uniform walked up to me and grabbed my hands saying "Hi there! I'm Himiko Toga, so nice to meet you!"

I pulled my hands put of hers thinking to myself "Damn, this one here is hyper,...way too hyper for my liking".

"First off 'Toga' one, don't touch me" I said saying up while holding on finger up in the air as I counted on my hand as I spoke.

"Two I'm [your name] Shigaraki, and you will not talk to me like that again am I understood?". I said to scarface sternly putting my finger on his chest.

He glared at me with a hatred that I have only seen in Tomura; but only when Stain walked into the hideout he grabbed my wrist and moved my hand forcefully saying as more of a question then a sentence "If your handyman's sister then you must have the same quirk as I right?"

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