Hero Killer Stain

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*Your Pov*

Walking in the door to the old and abandoned bar in the 'Kamino Ward' when I walked in the door I quietly walked to my brothers form on the bar stool I put my finger on my lips to tell Kurogiri to stay quiet and I placed my hands my brothers shoulders.

"Hey nii-san, I'm back" I said with my hands on his shoulder causing him to look at over at me with his drink in his hand.

He looked at me holding his cup with four fingers asked "Oh hey [your name], so how did your killing go?"

I rocked on my toes to my heels and said "~Oh that~, hehehe it went great actually" I grabbed his drink and smelt it before taking a sip.

"Nii-san, again with this drink?" I asked handing him his drink back.

He shrugged taking a drink again before asking me "Yeah, what's wrong with it [your name]?"

I pointed to Kurogiri and he made me my favorite drink and said "Here try this one" and handed him my cup as he took a drink; but he snarled.

"What the hell!?! What is that!?!" He asked coughing at the taste of the drink as he passed it back to me.

"Um, coconut rum mixed with tequila....why?" I said answering his question as I took a drink of my mixture Kurogiri had made me.

When someone opened the door making me, nii-san and Kurogiri look to who opened the door to our hide out; but Tomura did not look happy about who was there.

The guy said with a low growl which made me furious "Tomura Shigaraki, so your the one running the league of villains?"

I quickly pulled out my small pistol and yelled "Your not allowed to talk Tomura like that! You son of a-" I was cut off by the cocky bastard as he pointed his knife at me.

"Hey! You better watch your tongue with me! Before I cut it off!" He said with a sharp tone as he glared at me.

"Was that a threat!?!" I cocked the pistol in my hand saying with a demonic voice "You might wanna refrain from threatening me...your on my terf and you will play by my rules".

Before I could blink I was paralyzed and I couldn't move I yelled "What the hell did you do to me!?!"

Tomura glared at the guy as he stood up in front of my form as he yelled "What the hell did you do to my sister!?!"

The guy said with a grin as he licked the knife with my blood on it "I just temporarily paralyzed her just came on your invitation; but seems like this is all" and he left.

*Tomura's Pov*

I can't believe that bastard just used his quirk on my sister and left, [your name] grumbled in annoyance saying "I don't like that guy" and for once......I have to agree with her on that.

"Kurogiri? Can put [your name] in her room until this quirk wears off" I asked him [your name] nodded her head "yes' as if pleading with him.

He did what I said warping [your name] to her room while I went back to the barstool to finish my drink before 'someone else' comes in and destroys the peace once again.

*Your Pov*

God dammit! I can't believe that son of a bitch used his quirk on me and fucking left! And he calls himself the 'hero killer' that's straight bullshit.

I was laying in my bed bored outta my mind i thought "Might as well get some sleep since I literally can't go no where at all" and I closed my eyes drifting off to an dreamless slumber waiting for this damn quirk to lose it's affect.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up it was 4:00pm I tried to move and I gave a grin when I could actually move my body again I stormed to the main area where my brother and Kurogiri were.

"Where is that paralyzing son of a bitch hiding at?" I asked with a simi happy tone of voice Tomura looked over at me and was surprised to see that I was outta bed and walking again.

"Probably out killing heros alone why??" He said answering my question I grabbed my pistol from the bar counter where Kurogiri must have put it when he warped me to my room that afternoon.

I cocked the pistol and gave a grinning thinking about what I am going to do to that son of a bitch who used his damn quirk on me and left me there paralyzed without any way to move.

"~Oh nothing it's nothing~, just going to rip bastards fucking head off and make him regret using his quirk on me and then threatening me in our hideout!"

My voice shocked my brother and Kurogiri as I pointed my pistol to the door with and grin clearly ready to kill someone or something cause I was pissed off.

*Kurogiri's Pov*

[Your name] is not happy at all, she is pissed off; but can I blame her I'd be pissed to if a stranger walked in our hideout and used their quirk on me and just 'left'.

"[Your name] think about this rationally" when I said that she glared at me, clearly angry that I was going to give her a lecture on what not to do in a time like this.

[Your name] yelled her rage getting the best of her and I understood why she is so angry I truly did "Rationally? Rationally!?! you gotta be freaking kidding me, Kurogiri! That bastard came into our hideout and used his damn quirk on me! So of course I'm not gonna think rationally about this!"

I looked at Tomura and waited for him to say something I cleared my throat and asked "Tomura, Can you talk to your sister and try to calm her down?"

He sighed and turned to his sister; but before he started talking to her he looked at me saying "It's not like it will work; but I'll try my best" and turned back to [your name].

"[Your name] I get that your pissed, I understand why your angry, so I give you permission to go out and kill people; but only on one condition......please don't get yourself killed or caught but the heroes".

She gave a wild eyed look kissing her brother on the cheek saying "Thank you nii-san, i won't I promise" and she left the bar going through the back door.

I looked at Tomura and asked "Um.....are you that was a smart idea letting [your name] go out while she is angry like that?"

Tomura looked at me with a grin saying "Yeah, that's the only way that she will cool off is when she is killing people and making them suffer as much as we did as kids when those so-called heros didn't come help us".


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