Dabi's Little Secret

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*Dabi/Touya's Pov*

I walked down the alleyway holding [your name]'s hand tight in mine, the moonlight was shining out from behind the clounds as we walked, once we got far enough away from the hide out, I took a deep breath, finally stopping and asked "[Your name], can you get us to the roof top?"

She smiled nodding her head and used her quirk to get us to the roof top, once up there I said "[Your name]?"

She turned to face me saying "Yeah Dabi?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath saying "My name is not Dabi....."

She raised an eyebrow and asked "Really? Then what is it?"

"It's......it's Touya, Touya Todoroki" as I said that I looked at the floor ashamed by the fact that I had to lie to her.

But just then I felt a hand on the top of my head which made me fliched as I thought "Is she....is she angry?" but I heard her voice it was soft and kind.

"Touya Todoroki....huh? You know I like it a whole lot better then Dabi" those were her very words, I stared to cry when ahe said that; but I didn't even know why though.

I gripped her hand that was on my head bringing it down to rest on my right cheek, she smiled wiping away my tears that were rolling down my cheek she asked "Touya why are you crying?"

My grip on her hand became tighter as I just held it there enjoying the touch of my 'lover' hmmm? I like the sound of that; but she rested her head on my forehead and said "Touya? Is everything okay?"

I said with tears still rolling down my cheeks "I've never had someone touch me with such kindness before".

{A/n: 😭 Poor Touya Todoroki I think i'm gonna cry.}

She ran her thumb across my cheek, as she did this her smile never fading away, I gripped her hand as she spoke; but what she said made me cry even harder.

"Don't cry Touya, I will always be there to show you the kindness that everyone else never showed you".

I felt her arms wrap around me, we both fell to our knees, she had her head on my shoulder as she said "Touya we should get back to the hideout" as she went to get up from the ground I grabbed her wrist making her stop.

*Your Pov*

I was about to get up when Touya grabbbed my wrist making me stop, I looked back at him; but his black spiky hair shadowed his eyes as he asked "Please......can we stay like this a little bit longer?"

My features soften as I just kneeled back down in front of him, a smile on my face, as I said "Okay Touya, we can for a little bit longer" and I just layed my head on his chest, I just stayed quiet and listened to his calm heartbeat.

~Time Skip~

We hqd finally made it back to the hideout I was in my room just thinking about what Dabi had told me earlier today.


Dabi took a deeo breath and said "My name is not Dabi......"

I raised an an eyebrow and asked "Really? Then what is it?"

"It's.......it's Touya, Touya Todoroki" he said as he looked at the floor.

Flashback End

"I don't understand why someone would treat a cute guy like Touya as if he was nothing; but besides that, I wonder what was Touya like before he became a villian" I thought as I layed face down on my bed.

My room was slient not a single sound was heard, I was dozing off to slee when I heard a
*knock knock* on my the door I sighed asked in a lazy tone of voice "Who is it?"

"[Your name] it's me can I come it?" I heard my brothers voice say from the other side of the door.

I yawned and said "*Yawn* Yes come in nii-san" then he opened the door to my room as he walked in my room his fake hand covering his face so only his eyes were showing.

"Nii-san, take off that 'thing' in front of me, you know that I hate it so fucking much" I said as I looked up at him with a drosey look in my eyes.

He took off the plastic hand on his face, he gave a scowl and asked in an unamused tone of voice "So do you really love patchwork?"

I smiled and said with a lazy smile, "To tell you the truth.....I really do love him" this made him run his hand threw his hair, sighing; but looked at me with a small smile on his face.

"Alright, I will respect your wishes; but of he hurts you I will kill him" he said running his thumb on his throat.

I giggled at how over protective my brother was being over me I stood up, walking over to my brother wrapping him in a hug saying "Aww, I know you will nii-san; but I know he won't hurt me".

After a few minutes of talking to my brother, I was tired and climbed in bed to take a small nap because I was bored; but right as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep I felt my bed dip down and a arm wrap around my waist.

It was so warm, I didn't really care about who it was so I just cuddled deeper into the warmth of whoever was laying next to me; but when I heard a chuckle, I already knew who it was; but I opened one eye to look at him and asked.

"Touya, what are you doing in my room?"

He smiled as he brought my body closer to his, I was confortable on his body; but what he said made me blushed "Is it wrong for me to want to cuddle my girlfriend?"

I shook my head 'no' just cuddling Touya enjoying his company, and after a while of laying there I fell asleep and so did he.

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