||𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴?🥸||

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Lexi's Point Of View 🧚🏾‍♂️

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Lexi's Point Of View 🧚🏾‍♂️

I was staring at my bruises in the mirror when I looked up back at the mirror I saw Aaron... I ran to the bathroom and locked the door .

Shit! I knew that he was here but I thought he was sleeping...I heard a knock at the door, knowing it was him...

"Uhhhh what?" I said, sitting at the door

"Lexi...let me in." He semi-yelled , twisting the knob

"Imm cleaning the sink-" I said , but before I knew it he had knocked the door down.
"Why tf would you do that?!? Now somebody gotta pay for that shit!" I yelled

"Just tell me how you got those bruises." He said , seriously

"I can't tell you.." I said walking away , but then he grabbed my arm

"Listen.." He said looking into my eyes "Tell me how you got those bruises."

"If I tell you...he's going to kill you , me and my child ." I said , tearing up

"If you just tell me..I promise you it'll all be taking care of." He said , reaching for my hands 

"Okay just sit down causeee I'm getting tired." I said laying down
"The day I went to Taylor's apartment..was the same day Bryce's father found out I was pregnant...so he got mad and raped me on the side of the building..leaving me their..."

"Why didn't you tell me...when I saw you tht night." Aaron said "You looked completely fine.."

"When it happens to you so many times...the pain just sits inside me where nobody can tell how I'm feeling." I said , looking down

"Well why did you leave that note?" He said, standing up

"Because my life was a mess..and your life was amazing! I didn't want to make your life bad just because mine was hell!" I yelled

"Lexi I Love You! Your mess is my mf mess, we finna have a child together. And I need to start getting ready for trying to be a dad ." He said, starting to cry

"Aaron...it's okay. If you wanna raise this child together, I would love too-"I said , before he cut me off

"And we gon be together.." he said

"Wellll I guess we back together..." I said hugging him, then he had picked me up

"Come onnn , we going to my room." He said carrying me .

I had to make sure I sent a text telling them to leave my bags at Aaron's door...

Xiya's Point Of View 🫂I was driving back home when I had remembered that I didnt have any m&ms and I knew Taylor didnt put them on the shopping list

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Xiya's Point Of View 🫂
I was driving back home when I had remembered that I didnt have any m&ms and I knew Taylor didnt put them on the shopping list. I didnt really know where the stores were at in Florida sooo I had to pull to the side of the road.

I looked in the backseat, Kyra and Taylor were knocked the fuck outt and Markazha was half sleep cause she kept singing Brent... Their was a Walmart about 17 mins from where we were soo I decided to go their.

MeanWhile At Targett ......

When I had parked I noticed that the rental car Tyler had gotten was here...I just hope they dont start talking to me cause im already tiredd .

I hateddd the fact Targett closed their Starbucks early 🥲. When I was walking to the cash register to just get some m&ms from their I had gotten a text from Taylor ...

 When I was walking to the cash register to just get some m&ms from their I had gotten a text from Taylor

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I was paying for my candy and when I was paying for it some dude was behind me looking like he knew me ... buh ian had time for the nonsense so I got my shii and went out the door.

As I was walking to my car...somebody picked me up and when I looked it down it was Rashad..
"Boy ... put me downn." I said , laughing

"Nahh..." He said running in the empty parking lot

I had finally gotten down and started running so that he wouldnt catch me but my bag was what slowed me down cause ian wanna drop mi m&ms...

While we were walking back to the car to meet the others...Hakeem was looking at me like he was mad at me ! Before I knew it he had pushed Rashad to the ground....

✨End Of Chapter 27!! I hope youu guys enjoyed this chapterr. I know I'm slacking off a lil bit buhh Imma get back on scheldulee as soon as school easessss down 🥲. Anywaysss love youu guyss ✨

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