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[  "𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 "  ]

EDIT: 14/1/21 - Spelling errors

EDIT: 6/4/21 - Updated/Fixed Stand Stats

Opening a cabinet, Kat Osaka searched for a thermometer. A few boys recently had just arrived explaining that they were 'sick' and needed to go home immediately. This wasn't anything new in the nurses office, and Kat was pretty sure she'd seen these two before with the same excuse.

"I'll Leave the thermometer over here miss!" She called out, placing it on the counter near the two boys. She could've sworn they were sweating in their seats.

The nurse gave a a sweet smile and a small nod, her way of saying thanks. Kat continued to clean up the room, assisting every now and then with tasks. It may seem unusual, but Kat finds great satisfaction and joy when healing others. She was pretty sure it was because of the weird spirit followed her around. 

She called it Sapphire because of its shiny blue appearance. It had a tall, curvy lady like figure with pale blue skin. Atop of the skin, sapphires and blue gemstones are planted in a beautiful pattern. Her stand also owns short sparkly hair of a royal blue colour. She also has long boney wings behind her, not capable of flight but excellent for gliding.


Potential - A

Power - C

Speed - A

Range - B

Durability - D

Precision - A

The stands main ability is healing, this healing is so powerful it can be used to regenerate limbs. 

The stands more offensive ability is Sapphire storm, this is when the stand can make a tornado filled with very small pieces of sapphire. Because the tornado is travelling with such speed, these fragments are extremely sharp and dangerous to human skin.

Information about Kat's parents is unknown, but she has traces of Japanese, South-East Asian and hints of British.

Kat is currently 17.

Kat whipped her head around to the sound of someone entering the nurses office. There stood a tall man, dressed in mostly black attire. He had a long black jacket with a gold chain attached to the collar, he also wore black cargo pants with a green and yellow belt. He also wore an army green shirt. Atop of his head was a strange black hat that seemed to be fused with his hair.

He gave a cold glare at Kat before pointing straight at her, "You, are you a helping nurse?"

Kat felt shivers go down her spine as she timidly cowered, suddenly avoiding eye contact with the man at all cost, "Y-yes, do you need assistance?"  The man just gave an annoyed grunt.

"Why the fuck else would I be here? Annoying bitch," He spat. She simply just fidgeted with her fingers.

"R-right ,come this way please," She said, leading him to a seperate room.

The man sat down on a chair, slinging his leg over the table. He had a nasty gash on his knee, and it looked incredibly deep and was spilling blood by the second. Kat crouched down next to his leg, holding bandages and disinfectant. Unfortunately, she needed to remove his pants to get real close to the gash. 

"Excuse me, but what is your name?" She asked.

The man looked a bit shocked, surely she must know who he is. He felt a bit relieved and let out a small grunt, "The names Jotaro Kujo."

Kat gave a soft smile, "Alright Kujo, My Name is Kat Osaka. For me to treat your wound, we have to cut your pants open a little bit, is that ok?" 

Jotaro let out a small snarl, "For fucks sake, just don't ruin the whole pair." 

Kat cut a neater box around the gash and started to wrap his knee. This process was extremely awkward since you needed to do this through the hole of his pants. When she was done, she used a bit of tape to attach the end of the bandage on. 

Jotaro grunted in approval before standing up, "I don't see you much on campus, are you new?"

Kat twiddled her fingers, a bit embarrassed that he doesn't recognise her, "N-no I've always been here." Jotaro only nods before wincing slightly.

The gash on his knee screams in pain as more blood started to pour out. Kat stood up quickly to help him sit back down. She places both her hands on the sides of his knee and presses her forehead against the bloody wound. Jotaro flinched and pulled away.

"Oi Bitch, what the fuck!?" 

Kat waves her hands in front of her, "A-Ah! Sorry! I can make it hurt less! It's just a bit of a weird process!" She was panicking a bit, she didn't want to be on his bad side so early. 

Jotaro huffed and pulled his hat down covering his eyes, "Yare yare daze, just be quick." He said as he placed his leg back down.

Kat sighed as she put back her hands, once again leaning her forehead on his knee. Her 'spirit' came out from behind her and placed its forehead on Jotaro's knee as well. The pain soon washed away as the wound slowly closed up. Kat decided to pull away, stopping the healing flow. If she were to stay there for too long, the wound would've completely disappeared, making her look suspicious.

Jotaro stared at her in shock, he watched as the blue figure retreated back into the small girl. He stood up abruptly, knocking over the chair he was on. Kat stepped back a bit as well, nervous about his reaction.

"You're a stand user," Jotaro growled getting into a fighting position. Kat panicked, was he talking about Sapphire?

"C-can you s-see her too?!" She looked slightly happy, but still absolutely petrified of the Kujo. 

Jotaro only scoffed, "I'm also a stand user, stand users can see other stands." He backed her into the corner of the room, his broad figure towering over her. "Who exactly are you." A large purple man emerged behind him, he had long dark hair and an intimidating scowl. 

Kat whimpered as she shrunk more into the corner, "I-I don't know what a stand is! I've had Sapphire for all my life so I thought she was a spirit or something!" She trembled hiding her face from Jotaro. 

Jotaro was about to interrogate her more when they heard fearful shouts from the other room. Jotaro turned around and rushed into the room, you closely trailing behind. The two fake-sick boys were shaking in their beds as the nurse waved around a pen.

"DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A PEN TO YOU?! SILLY SILLY BOYS!" She screeched wobbly about like a maniac. The boys were huddled at the furthest part of the bed, still cowering away.

The nurse suddenly turned to face Kat with a gin, "Osaka Darling! This doesn't look like a pen to you right? It's the thermometer you got me! Right? RIGHT!?"

Kat cowered behind Jotaro clinging slightly on his large jacket. Jotaro grunted and pulled her farther behind his back. Piercing screams could be heard as Jotaro quickly shot his head back. The nurse had stabbed the pen into one of the boys eyes, blood soon gushing out like a water fall.

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