sixty nine | luna

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Thank you for waiting

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Thank you for waiting. I had a death in my family and the past few weeks have been rough. Everyone please stay safe.

I'm okay, don't worry about me.


Chapter 69 ;)

Haven't done an OOTD for Luna in a while. Sorry this one is boring... and a GRoutfit...

Anyways... enjoy this extra cute chapter, my little sunnies!

For an hour and a half after my phone call with Harry, I frantically cleaned the entire apartment

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For an hour and a half after my phone call with Harry, I frantically cleaned the entire apartment. This neat habit of mine is a direct by-product of my anxiety; I always want the place to be spotless when guests are over. I cleaned my room first, folding all of my neglected laundry and organizing it. Then I vacuumed the living room and dusted the furniture before heading into the kitchen. The kitchen needed some serious scrubbing on the counters and I emptied out all of the expired food in the fridge. I even cleaned Mack's room for her-which I should win an award for because it was absolutely disgusting. I thought I was going to accidentally come in contact with some radioactive waste and become a superhero. She had empty bags of chips lying on the carpet, her makeup palettes were scattered all over the floor with makeup residue on nearly every surface, and her mirror was foggy and had smudges throughout the glass. After wiping, dusting, and praying for her room, I was too tired to clean anymore. Besides, Harry should be here soon.

I wander back into my room, feeling extra neurotic. I need to relax before Harry gets here. Why am I bugging out?

I guess it finally hit me this morning that today is my last day with Harry before he goes away. I won't be going to his show tonight, I have loads of assignments to catch up on that I have been pushing aside to see Harry. Plus, I don't have tickets and I told Harry it wouldn't be fair to his other fans if I took front row tickets again for free. There are crazy fans who pay loads of money for good seats, I'd feel guilty for getting a second freebie.

I wander over to my dresser and light two candles with my glittery yellow lighter, both candles having a sweet vanilla scent. To provide more ambiance, and hopefully sedate my nerves, I rifle through my bin of records and pull out one at random. Once I place the vinyl carefully down and pull the needle to the plastic, I hear the familiar crackle sounds of the record player and I feel a bit more peaceful than a moment before. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, sighing heavily as I see my clothes. I am wearing all gray-which Mack so lovingly calls a 'groutfit'-with cotton shorts and a matching zip-up hoodie with a cropped top underneath. I try to decide on what to change into, I don't need to be wearing my cozy pajamas. But honestly, I am so drained and I don't feel like changing. It's okay though; I don't need to impress Harry with a cute outfit, he's quite literally seen me at my worst. I decide to throw on a dainty gold necklace and my usual rings that I wear daily-small accessories that at least make it look like I didn't just roll out of bed.

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