sixty one | luna

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^If you listen to this song, be prepared to sob

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^If you listen to this song, be prepared to sob. Like, no joke. I cried uncontrollably. Mia is my new obsession, her voice is angelic. It's exactly how I picture Luna's voice to sound like!


i had to go

the angels promised they would lead me off to some place better

i swear that our goodbyes could never last forever

 i swear that our goodbyes could never last forever

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Monday, October 26th. 1 week later.

It's been a week since he left my apartment. I haven't heard from him at all.

Mack told me she ran into him outside and they talked. She wouldn't tell me what they spoke about. She's been walking on eggshells around me, treating me like a ticking time-bomb that could erupt any minute-which can't be a good sign.

I was fine the first day, I really was. I was so hurt and angry that he could think that little of me, to just automatically assume I would stab him in the back like that. The anger I felt helped me to push away the sadness. It was almost like a defense mechanism, the longer I could hold onto the resentment, the longer I could block out my sorrow.

After how quickly and deeply we connected since we met, he still thought that I was capable of betraying him, and that hurt me so badly. He thought that even after I confided in him about the darkest secrets I have, ones I hardly even talk about with Mack.

She went out to go to the store after my fight with Harry to buy me a gallon of ice cream-that's when she ran into him outside. When she came back, she wrapped me in the weighted blanket she got me for my birthday and she cuddled with me on the couch as we watched nearly an entire season of Friends. She suggested we watch The Office, but I couldn't bear it because it reminded me of the time Harry and I watched it for hours at his home. It was the first time I realized how romantic Harry is, the way he adores love stories. He would smile every time Jim and Pam would flirt, and he'd subconsciously squeeze me a little tighter as we sat together on the sofa. I'll never be able to watch that show ever again without thinking about him.

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