The Boy in the Dirty Blanket

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It started as a lazy, rainy afternoon, Dream and Sapnap were on the couch, lazily browsing the tv channels. George had gone out to grab groceries, saying he'd be back in an hour.

The two always missed their boyfriend, even if he was just in the other room. Sapnap groaned after another minute of browsing, "I'm boreeeeddd!" He leaned up to Dream, "Kithes?" He spoke with an exaggerated pleading face.

Dream pushed his face down, "No I'm trying to find something to watch." He snorted. Sapnap pouted, he began making kissing noises, moving closer to plant kisses on Dream's cheek and chin.

The taller laughed at that, pushing Sapnap away, "Stop, that tickles!" Sap chuckled mischievously, backing up slightly,,, before pouncing on Dream.

Dream screeched, Sapnap attacking him with kisses. He wheezed, taking Sap's hands and holding them up and away from him, making Sapnap's head lift from where it was buried. "You gremlin." Dream commented.

Sapnap smirked, "But I'm your gremlin! And you love your gremlin." He layed down on the other's chest.

Dream snorted, "Barely-"

"Oi shut up-"

The sound of keys jingling and footsteps filled the air as the two went silent. At first, they were a bit confused, caught up in their banter before they both gasped, scrambling off the couch.

George opened the door gently, bags of groceries in his hands, and a dirty blanket sat in his arms. Dream stopped when he saw George, pulling Sapnap to stop too, noticing the blanket, "What's that?"

George looked down at the blanket then back up at his two lovers, "I... I'll tell you in a few minutes, I have to put away these-"

"We'll do it!" Sapnap exclaimed, taking the bags from George and trying to take a peek at what was in the blankets. George turned away from him, flicking his forehead, "Not yet."

Sapnap pouted, handing Dream a few bags as George left to what he presumed was their room. When he came back the blanket was gone, his arm covered in speckles of dirt and grime.

Dream rolled up his hoodie sleeves, "So George," He started, leaning on the counter, "What was in the blanket?"

George bit his lip, "You guys need to be sitting on the couch..." Sapnap laughed, "Is it really that serious?" A look from Dream made him shut up, quickly walking over to the couch.

When they were all in the living room George sighed nervously, "Okay. Uh, I might have brought something home-" Sapnap groaned, "Is it another cat? We can't turn into cat ladies-"

"It's not another cat." George huffed, "It's um, bigger than that." Dream rose an eyebrow, "Is it a dog?" George shook his head.

"It's um... A child."

Sapnap fell back, "Oh my god- A WHAT?!" George made a shushing motion, "Shh he's asleep! Wake him up and I'll gouge out your fucking eyeballs!"

Sapnap made a zipping motion with his hands over his mouth, indicating he'll stay quiet. Dream sputtered, "George where did you find a child?!"

"I found him under a bench when I was walking back home! He was scared and hungry!" George defended himself.


George walked down the almost barren streets of the town, holding bags of food in his arms from the market. While walking past a bench he heard rustling. He stopped, looking around slightly, "Hello...?"

Another rustle, this time louder and closer. George spotted something covered in a brown blanket moving closer. The blanket shook slightly, the thing under it revealing itself, it was a little boy, no younger than three.

The boy shakily pointed to the bags, George could tell he was hungry. He gently set the bags down, crouching down to the boy's height, "Are you hungry?"

The boy vigorously nodded, indicating that he was, in fact, hungry. George stuck a hand in a bag, pulling out a loaf of bread. He undid the wrapping, handing a slice to the dirty boy.

The toddler quickly ate it, after eating it all he made grabby hands at George. George made a surprised noise at that, carefully picking up the boy and wrapping him in his blanket.

The boy immediately fell asleep in the warm embrace. George covered his face from the sun's rays, picking back up the bags and continuing home.

'How am I gonna tell Dream and Sapnap?'

A/N: This is also on AO3!

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