• Lilac's POV •
I woke up bright and early the next morning, although it was a Saturday i was determined to go back to school and find out if my father was actually there.
I hopped in the shower and threw on baggy jeans and a oversized hoodie. I carefully tip-toed to the top of the stairs and saw my mum in the kitchen. I walked back into my room and packed my bag with the books that i had taken from the Library and opened up my window. I climbed down the ladder quietly in hope that my mum doesn't spot me.
As soon as i reach the end of the ladder i sprint away until i can no longer see my house in the distance. I slowed down and began walking towards school. I was really hoping that i didn't run into anyone, especially George or Fred, as much as i wanted to see them i just didn't have any time to waste.
I approached the steps of Hogwarts and took a deep breath before entering. It frightened me, thinking about all those wasted years i spent without my dad, thinking about what i would do or say if i ever saw him again.
I walk in and the halls seem empty. Good sign, it most likely means everyone is out or home with their families. I wonder around the whole school and look in every room, but there was no sign or dad, or anyone for that matter.
I walk into a hallway and find some writing on the wall i begin to make my way towards it when i feel hands wrap around my face, covering my eyes.
"Guess who!" The voice shouts.
"Hello George" I said before gently moving his hands from my eyes.
"Hello Lilac" George said as he handed me a Red rose.
"Oh thankyou, what's this for?" I ask confused.
"For just being you." George said as he smiles at me. "You look beautiful today."
"Thankyou." I blush and look to the ground.
"So." George said while he stared at me.
"So." I said, staring back at him.
"It's nice to see you here on a Saturday" George said.
"I just needed to do a couple of things, then i'm going home." I said.
"Lilac, you know you have a dorm here for a reason." George jokes.
"Yes i'm aware, however have you seen the other people in my house? i think i'd rather stay at home." I laugh.
"I don't think you belong in Slytherin, you're different to any other Slytherin i've spoken too. Maybe the sorting hat was wrong it has happened before! Maybe we should go and talk to Prof-" George said before i interrupt him.
"I know where you're going with this George, but it's fine." I said.
"But you're different." George says as he moved the hair from my face.
I stared into his eyes, his soft brown eyes. I felt our bodies slowly move closer to each other until they were touching, he wrapped his hands around my waist and i felt my heart skip a beat. My hands started shaking and i felt all clammy, i felt our faces move closer together.
Oh gosh, this man has a strong grip.
This can't happen, not now.
"I um.. i have to go." I say as i pull away from George's grip. "Thankyou for the rose, it's beautiful."
I softly kiss him on the cheek and turn around the corner. I couldn't get sidetracked now, finding my father is what's important right now.
• George's POV •

Forever, my love
Fanfiction" No matter what, we will always find our back to each other, always?" "Forever, my love." DISCLAIMER: This story requires a mature audience as there is strong course language and sexual references. This story also contains scenes from the tv show...