• Lilac's POV •
The next morning i woke up bright and early, the sight of snow falling was almost peaceful. I felt pretty good about myself. I hopped in the shower and picked out some clothes for the day. I put on some skinny jeans and a oversized hoodie, i grabbed a scarf and went over to the window. The cold icy air drifted through the window and onto my face, the snow was coming down in heavy flakes now.
I walked downstairs and saw Mum and Dad in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Morning." I said.
"Morning Pumpk- Oh merlin." Dad gasped as he looked over at me.
He shook his head.
Mum walked over to me. "Lilac, honey what happened to your hair."
Oh fuck.
"I just wanted to try something different." I said unbothered as i made my way over to the dining table.
"What is the meaning of this!" Dad yelled.
"It's my hair!" I yelled back as i opened the front door and slammed it closed behind me.
I didn't know where exactly i was headed but i needed to clear my head. I didn't know what had gotten into me i felt like a brand new person.
The heavy snow blocked out what laid ahead in the distance. I struggled to see as i slowly made my way into town. I walked over to a large, snow covered field and sat on a table, with a small metal roof over the top which blocked the snow from coming in. I pulled out a book and started reading.
I heard some screaming and laughing in the distance but didn't think anything of it as i continued to read.
"Have you gone absolutely mad?" A voice came from behind me.
"Nope, not at all." I replied without looking up.
"I think you have." The voice said as the person stood in front of me. "Look at you. You're absolutely freezing."
"Am not."
"Are too."
I looked up and saw a tall guy towering over the top of me.
"Miles?" I asked.
He gasped. "Lilac? I didn't even recognise you."
"Yeah. I don't blame you." I laughed as i pointed to my hair.
"How have you been?"
"I'm good and you?"
"I'm well."
We stood in silence as we stared at each other.
"Lilac. I'm sorry i need to know. Why did you leave Hogwarts." He asked.
"I wouldn't put it as leave, it was just temporarily." I replied.
"Not even a goodbye? That hurt."
"There was too much stuff happening with my family. I needed to leave."
"Well." He cleared his throat. "Are you coming back?"
"Soon. Very soon." I gave him a look.
"How soon?" He asked desperately.
"I was thinking tomorrow. I miss you and Cho and all the others, i even miss my classes."
"And George?"
"What makes you think that."
"Well he misses you."

Forever, my love
Fanfic" No matter what, we will always find our back to each other, always?" "Forever, my love." DISCLAIMER: This story requires a mature audience as there is strong course language and sexual references. This story also contains scenes from the tv show...