19. Valentines Day.

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A month had passed already. It felt like it flew by rather quickly. Last year was crazy, with getting kicked out of my previous school and the move to Hogwarts. It was so different.

I woke up to Cho jumping around and tugging on my blanket.

"Cho, what the fuck." I barely open my eyes. "What time is it?"

"6am. But that's not what matters! Today's a very important day." She squealed.

"Egh, please stop that." I say in a disgruntled tone. "This couldn't have waited until my alarm went off?"

"No Lilac." She gasped. "Do you even know what today is?"

"Cho is annoying day?" I asked sleepily.

"No silly, It's valentine's day!" She jumped up and danced around. "I'm meeting Cedric for lunch today!"

"Ugh, Valentine's day?" I made a gagging noise. "This is just another day people use as an excuse to express their feelings for each other and spoil each other with gifts and fancy dinners. It's completely barbaric in my opinion."

"I bet George thinks otherwise." She stated.

"George and I are allowed to have different opinions on these things and it doesn't matter what he thinks, that won't change my mind about how i feel." I said firmly.

"So, what would you do if he got you something?" She asked.

"I'd be more than grateful! I'm just stating that you should be able to express your feelings for each other any other day as well. Love shouldn't be put on hold just for this day once a year." I replied.

"Very wise, Lilac." She said.

"Are you done? Can i go back to sleep now." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Damn you definitely aren't a morning person." She chuckled. "Yes go back to sleep, i'm hopping out for a quick breakfast now anyways."

I wake up a few hours later to the sound of my alarm going off. I really needed those extra few hours of sleep, i don't think i would've survived the day if i had to stay up from 6am.

"Morning grumpy." Cho said.

I made a low groan.

"Prince Charming left you something, it's over there." She said as she pointed over to my study desk near the door.

"Ugh, don't call him that."

I walk over to the table and see a bunch of red roses. 12 to be exact. No card? it didn't matter these roses were absolutely beautiful, they smelt like freshly water grass and had a tropical scent to it. I look closely and spot a large packet of fireworks underneath all the roses. I chuckled to myself. This man always knows how to put a smile on my face.

"Satisfied?" She asked, peeping over to see.

"Actually, yes i am." I said as i picked up the fireworks.

"Are those fireworks?" She gasped. "Fireworks, really?"

"It's an inside joke." I continued to chuckle.

"I see, well i better get going now. I promised Cedric i'd meet him down near the great hall at 11." She said as she left the room.

I walk over to the closet and decide on an outfit for the day. It felt like hours before i finally found a decent outfit to wear. I settled on a grey cropped turtleneck sweater and a white mini skirt. I decided to throw on some stocking and boots too.


"Coming." I said as i rushed over to the door.

"Morning." George said as he leaned against the wall and smirked.

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