Just Call Me Lily

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Just started school for the year. I am super excited because I am taking Geography and Performing Arts as my electives and they should be super fun.

This is the start of many oneshots. They are in story order. I promise drama, love and lots of pranks!

Enjoy sunshines.


(s o p h i e)

A gold ball fluttered in mid air, vainly trying to escape the quick reflexes of James Potter. Girls and boys alike were transfixed by the spectacle, as they had been for the past twenty minutes since the boy in question arrived in the library - a rare sight to all. But in fact he wasn’t here to study (unless you were very thick you would confuse him for it). He was there for a study date with a certain Lily Potter.


The vivacious redhead hadn’t arrived yet, and James was getting nervous she would stand him up. This was the only time she had said yes to a date with him, out of the two hundred attempts, even if it was only to study for the upcoming end of year exams. Sixth years all around the school were prepping, even Sirius Black who had an even less likely chance than James of ever being seen doing so. Stress was running high along with hormones.


A stack of books thumped down on the desk, causing James to take his eyes off the snitch and for the crowd to break out of their trance and suddenly hurry off to do various things. For green eyes just peeping above the stack was Miss Evans.


“Evans! You made it! But seriously you didn’t need to bring all those books - you aren’t that bad at Transfiguration” James grinned up at her.


She raised a curved eyebrow. “But you are terrible at Potions Potter so I had to bring these all for you.” She hauled them to the side and sat down at the desk with a heavy sigh.


“Something wrong Lily pad?”


She tried her best withering look, but it was weak and she collapsed under it to have a glum expression sadden her pretty features.


“My family actually, in particular my sister and her fiance.” Her voice was weighed down with bitterness and exhaustion. “You wouldn’t understand - coming from a perfect family.”


He placed his large hand over her small one. “No I wouldn’t understand personally, but Sirius has gone through some crap with his family so I could begin to feel sympathetic. You’re not alone Evans.”


She managed a small smile. “Thank you. But seriously, cut all the Evans crap. Just call me Lily.”


A broad grin broke out on his face. “Ok Lily.”


There was a period of silence. “James can you stop staring at me and can we study?”


“Oh yeah! Yeah sure.”

Even after she left the library three hours later she couldn’t keep James Potter out of her mind.

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