Chapter One

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George's room was definitely something that stood out in the castle. While the rest of the rooms were fancy and royal like, but still kept to a simple and rather plain, his was the exact opposite. Since he was a young boy, he took an interest in plants. He enjoys the beauty of them. Although he can't see colors properly, he still understands how every plant is different and beautiful in their own way. So, of course, he makes sure to fill his personal space with them. Plants litter each of his window sills, shelfs, and the air, as he has plants hanging from the ceiling. It is nothing too overwhelming, just enough for him to take care of and appreciate.

George isn't exactly quite like his siblings. He is the middle child. His older brother, who is the heir to the throne, Wilbur, is perfect to be a king one day. He enjoys his studies and is widely respected by everyone in the kingdom. His younger brother, Karl, is the outgoing brother. He is always happy, and the people of the kingdom adore him for that. Though, the people don't know much about Prince George. When he can get out of going to a social event, he will. Of course the people still respect him, he is just a mystery to them.

He spends lots of his time in the palace's library. George enjoys reading about various subjects. Some of his favorites being about plants, animals and architecture. He can spend hours on end reading some of the books that were in the library.

Another place he spends most of his time is, of course, the garden. Technically, it is a greenhouse, a large almost roundish glass dome. Vines have started growing up the glass walls, while flowers and other various plants grow in sectioned off wooden boxes throughout. He had recently started planting some fruits and vegetables, which have been coming around nicely. Although George loves the garden, the field that lays right beyond the castle walls holds a special place in his heart.

It is against the rules for him to go beyond the castle walls, but at least twice a week he finds himself sneaking off into the huge field. No one ever noticed the boy missing for hours on end. It isn't unusual for George to be off doing his own thing.

He had first discovered the field when he was about 9 years old. Him and Karl were playing around, when their ball went over the castle walls. Since George is 3 years older than Karl, he took the liberty of squeezing himself through a narrow opening in the wall. That's when he saw the large, open area of just grass and wildflowers. It was beautiful.

He let the field escape his mind until his sixteenth birthday. During his party, he found himself overwhelmed, so he slipped away from the gathering. He found himself at the exposed area of the wall, which had become a little larger over time. Ever since then, he has made an effort to go to think and bask in the open sun as much as he possibly can.

George was always alone in his field. He liked it that way, until one particular day. A boy who seemed to be around his age, with dirty blonde, almost brown hair, stumbled upon George's secret field.

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