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Hongjoong's pov

   I sighed softly as I neared a small store. I lowered my gaze as I opened the door and entered. I heard as all sounds silenced, so I looked up.

   The cashier was tearfully shaken up as she handed money to a masked male. He quickly pocketed the money and stepped towards me. I shook myself out of the shock and left the store, calling 119.

   My phone was slapped out of my hands, causing me to snarl. I picked my phone back up and glared at the taller male with fire red hair.

   "I'd like to report a robbery at- hey, give me my phone back you giant," I yelled and jumped for my phone. He laughed as I continued to jump. I noticed his masculine voice and smirked. I quickly kicked his crotch and collected my phone from his hands.

   "Okay, I'd like to report a robbery at the convenience store in, not again!" I shouted as another taller male snatched my phone. I looked him dead in the eyes.

   "Give me my phone before you end up kicked in the balls," I claimed as I patiently held my hand out for my phone. He glanced behind himself and noticed the red headed male on the ground. He nodded his head and handed my phone back to me.

   "Are you still there? Good. The robbery is at the convenience store just outside of Seoul university. There's seven masked males, one with deep red dyed hair and another with baby blue stood before me. And there's a black haired male stood behind me," I spoke as I turned around. I looked into his eyes and dropped my phone to the ground. I knew those chocolate brown eyes like my own.

   "Babe?" I asked, my voice shaky. He took off his mask with a sigh.

   "I never wanted you to know, believe me, Hongjoong." Seonghwa smiled softly. I scoffed and walked away from him. I walked all the way to our shared apartment and packed a bag full of clothes. I took off my promise ring and sat it on the table beside the front door.


   "Leave me alone, SeongHwa." I mumbled and got into my car. Before I could lock the car, Seonghwa hopped into the passenger seat.

   "Hongjoong, listen to me," SeongHwa begged. I looked heat him tearfully.

   "Don't call my name so sweetly. I should've known you weren't who you said you were." I rolled my eyes and left the car. Before I could, SeongHwa grabbed my left hand and slid the ring back on my ring finger.

   "No, I'm not staying with you knowing you're not who I fell for." I took the ring off and threw it at him. I jumped out of the car and ran with my bag until someone caught me.

   "Let him explain," the red headed male from before begged. I shook my head and pushed him off of me. I huffed and tried running again, but was soon picked up by the red haired man. I began furiously punching his back.

   "Let me go! I don't want to go back to him! He isn't the man I loved!" I exclaimed as I continued to assault his muscular back.

   "He is. You know more about him than you do not know. You know more about him than we, his members, know about him." He claimed as he walked us back to the apartment I just left from.

   "Hongjoong, please listen to me, okay?" Seonghwa pleaded as I was sat down on our gray couch. I scoffed and looked down at my shoes.

   "No," I mumbled. SeongHwa lifted my chin and kissed my lips. I kissed back without realizing it. Once I did, I pulled away and wiped my mouth.

   "Leave me alone..." I begged as tears welled in my eyes. Seonghwa gasped and began wiping away my tears. I pushed him away gently and stood up, walking to our bedroom where I locked the door behind me.


   "It's not Hongjoong, it's baby! You never call me Hongjoong!" I sobbed loudly. Seonghwa unlocked the door somehow and entered. He sat beside me and pulled me to his lap. I sobbed and grabbed fistfuls of his black jacket.

   "Baby, please listen to me, okay? If by the end you still want me to go, I will. I'll go and never come back," SeongHwa claimed. I held onto him tighter.

   "That's the thing though. I don't want you to go. I'm scared, yes, but I know my love for you overpowers my fear," I wailed. SeongHwa looked down at me confused.

   "Then why do you keep throwing your ring at me?" He asked. I looked him in the eye.

   "You just robbed a store, SeongHwa. What else do I do when I find out I've been housing a criminal- which is, you know, illegal!" I exploded. SeongHwa laughed and kissed my lips again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back.

   "As much as I'm loving the affection, tell me." I pulled my lips away from SeongHwa's begrudgingly. SeongHwa smiled softly and pushed my hair behind my ear.

   "I'm in a gang, baby. I run the gang and we are made up of the seven of us you saw today. As of now, that is all you need to know." SeongHwa explained slightly. I glared at him.

   "That's all the explaining you're going to do?" I asked. He nodded his head. I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

   "I'm just glad you've stayed safe this whole time..." I whispered as I allowed SeongHwa to pull me closer.   He smiled softly and kissed my head. I smiled widely and pulled him to lay down with me. He happily laid on top of me, resting his head on my chest. I gently played with his hair until we heard a knock on the bedroom door.

   "Boss, we've got a problem," the red haired male from before claimed as he opened the door. I shushed him, noticing SeongHwa already sound asleep.

   "How urgently is he needed?" I asked as I felt warmed by his body. The male at the door sighed.

    "The six of us can handle it, but we need his commands," he claimed. I gently shook SeongHwa's shoulder.

   "Babe, you're needed," I mumbled.

   "Of course I'm needed, you need me," SeongHwa sleepily mutters. I roll my eyes playfully and kiss him to wake him up better.

   "The red haired one says there's a problem," I smiled as SeongHwa looked behind us to find him still stood at the door.

   "What is it?" SeongHwa asked. The red haired male pinched the bridge of his nose.

   "We were followed."

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