{38} Get Out Of Dodge

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Ash woke to the sound of people bustling about. She groaned as she opened her eyes, expecting to see like she saw last night. But her glasses must be somewhere else.

She sat up but suddenly feeling a cold breeze, she pats herself and finds that her clothes are not where they should be. Tears come to her eyes as she places her hand over her mouth as the memories of last night come flooding into her mind. The bastard! He's gonna pay for this!

She reaches over toward the nightstand she saw last night and finds her glasses are sitting on top. She grabs them and puts them on.

Ash looks around the room for The Governor but he is nowhere to be found. A sigh of relief escapes her lips as she relaxes a little. She looked at the window and saw that she had slept nearly all day. She was grateful for that. She didn't want to be awake.

She saw her clothes on the ground and tried leaning over to grab them but couldn't reach. She looked around for something to use to grab them but there was nothing close enough to her.

She groaned as she pulled the blanket off of her legs and saw that her legs were bruised. She poked one of the larger bruises but didn't feel anything. Anger consumed her as she hit it. Again, there was no feeling in her legs. She began hitting her legs over and over, wishing it was The Governor she was punching instead. But she guessed this was close enough.

She stopped as she ran out of breath and looked at her legs again. Her legs were red and more bruised than before. She scowled as she looked away.

She grabbed her legs and hoisted them over the edge of the bed, losing her balance for minute before catching herself. She put her feet on her clothes before lowering herself to the floor, her bare legs sliding forward on the hard floor.

When she was firmly on the ground, Ash pulled her legs back to her, her clothes following. She pulled on her tanktop first and then tried and failed to get her jean shorts on.

She threw the jeans up to the bed before pulling her legs up as close as she could to her chin before doing what she did to get down but in reverse. She pulled herself up, her mind willing her legs to kick her upwards.

When she finally got back on the bed, she got her shorts on before reaching for her wheelchair. It was on the other side of the nightstand and she was having trouble getting it.

When she finally managed to get inside her wheelchair, after falling a few times, she felt exhausted. Mentally and physically. How had she managed to do this for so long? All winter she was paralyzed yet she never felt so powerless and stupid as she did this morning.

She really was a burden, she realized. All the time she couldn't walk or see, she pulled everyone else back. Made them take care of her. How could she be so selfish? Her being gone is probably a huge weight lifted off their shoulders. That's why they left her there in the first place.

She couldn't walk or see at the time so they left her because she would be a liability. She's in a fucking wheelchair for Christ's sake. She couldn't even walk. She could see but what good is that when you can't walk?

'Because now you can see where your going, you twat.' Ash's subconscious yelled at her.

That's right. Now she could see where she was going. Where to look. Where to aim.

She looked at the mattress and remembered the scalpel under the mattress. Why hadn't she used that last night? She could have killed him right there.

But she didn't. Her fear of the past stopped her. She couldn't live in the past anymore. Not when her future depended on her being in the present.

A mirror on the far wall caught Ash's attention, stopping her train of thought. She wheeled herself forward until she sat in front of the full length mirror.

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