Rant 19 ~ The Future

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What's so great about the future? Seriously, it seems like our whole lives are spent preparing for the future. We go to preschool to prepare for grade school, grade school to prepare for college, college to prepare for getting a job and being an adult, adults have to prepare for retirement, then prepare for when they die, there is never a second that the human race isn't obsessing over the future.

And it's ridiculous.

There's never been a truer song than "I'm In a Hurry (And I Don't Know Why)"-

I'm in a hurry to get things done,
Oh I'm rushing rushing till life's no fun,
All I really gotta do is live and die,
Oh, I'm in a hurry and I don't know why...

What's the point of life if it's just rushing from point A to point B? Point B is a scary thought, but it's the only thing we live for. We live for the future.

Everyone's always like, "Oh, the future will be so cool!" and "I can't wait for the future!", but what about living in the now? The present is a gift, you know, and you'll never get this day back.

So why waste it preparing for the next, which you'll waste preparing for the next, and let the dismal cycle continue?

Sure, some preparation for the future is required. There are some bridges in life that you can't simply cross when you get there. But there are plenty more bridges that you can cross without preparation, plenty more points in your life that you don't have to stress over.

The whole thing is just... stupid.

I don't give a fuck that I'm not involved in any activities, that doesn't mean that I'll simply become a video game-playing leech on society. Sports (the only activity that "counts") are just the world's way of preparing you to become a professional athlete, which is more of a leech on society than a gamer.

Sure, professional athletes make millions of dollars. Where do those dollars come from? Hell if I know. What are those dollars used for? They're wasted on luxuries, which end the cycle of money. From wherever the hell they came from, to the big sports dudes, to the athletes, that's where the dollar ends. Sure, they go to whoever produced the luxuries, but then what? Just to produce more luxuries for the athletes? I would call it a viscous cycle, except it's not much of a cycle.

Gamers are logical. There's nothing wrong with being a gamer, despite what society says. Society is all like, "Get good grades in school and participate in activities, otherwise you'll become something horrible like a gamer!"

It sickens me.




Um, I think I've strayed a bit from the topic, so let's try to steer back towards that.

There's no point in life if it's just paving a road towards death. Sometimes you need to loosen the reins and chill a bit, and stop being a micromanager to yourself and everyone around you. Let life take its course. Follow your gut, do what your want to do, not what society wants you to do.

Most importantly, I want you to take 2 things away from this rant:
1. The future isn't such a big deal.
2. Gamers are better than ballers.


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