In a parallel galaxy from Earth, there is a a world inhabited by magic. Many creatures from fictional stories resided here, in a land called Grozine. The village of Haerz is known for the guardian angels who watch over the people and take them up to heaven when they pass. Serena Caelum is coming of age and must attend Charming's Academy of Magic to further her powers. Due to her intellect and power, she moves up to become a 2nd year student. Her arrival instantly makes her a well liked and respected student. For the year, she is exempt from daytime duties as a guardian angel to focus on her education. There is a tradition at the academy called "Your Soulmate" where blue roses are given to a person from a person with a connection. One night, Serena gets flowers at her door, but with no name or person there. Serena meets Nikolai Reve, who reveals himself as her Soulmate. However, he makes it VERY clear that he doesn't want her to be his and he had to give flowers against his will. For the time being, the two of them try to figure out what connects them despite being complete opposites of the other while having to be near each other almost all of the time and hide the fact that they are each other's soulmate. In the meantime, the two go on adventures through distant lands, dreams, and in their school. Falling hard for the other, but never making it clear until they are alone in a secluded spot.
50 parts