I did it (chapter 1)

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Camila POV

I was flying over the ice while I was doing an Axel Paulsen jump. I did a full spin in the air and I landed successfully on the ice again. I continued skating only concentrating on the music and my program. The people cheering and applauding were just a background sound.

Shawn POV

This is my last game with my team, so it has to my best one. My parents decided to move to another town so I've to drop everything: my friends, my girlfriend and my hockey team. Great.

I pushed all my thoughts besides and only concentrated on the puck. My coplayer passed me the puck and I rushed between every opponent that was in my way, trying to get at the goal and score a goal.

Camila POV

The adrenaline was rushing through my veins as I raised my leg and held my skate over my head and made the Biellmann spin. While still spinning, I changed my spin position into a camel one, in which one of my legs was extended backwards with the knee held above the hip level.

Shawn POV

As I avoided all the opponents, it was just me and the goaltender. I took a deep breath and shoot the puck right in the goal.


Camila POV

I ended my spin and made my end pose. The music stopped and everyone started cheering and clapping. They started to throw flowers and stuffed animals on the ice. I picked some of them from the floor and made my way out of the rink.

Shawn POV

My coplayers and the audience started cheering. A second later, the game ended and I looked at the score to see that my team had just won.

I did it!

Camila POV

I went together with Juliana, my trainer since I started skating, to the room where we were about to find out my score. As I was sitting down and wainting, I started to shake, because I needed to win this. I needed the prize money to be able to pay for all the costs that ice skating brought with it.

My father became a single parent after my mom died minutes later after my sister's birth. My father is the trainer of the hockey team in our hometown, but he doesn't make a lot of money for it. So, I need to pay for my training by myself. He doesn't like the idea of me already working at the age of seventeen, but all my friends who don't have a hobby outside of school have a part-time job. Well, I have school, ice skating, my job and my sister who I've to take care of while my dad is working, but I get by. I really do.

I played with my hands and trampled with my foot while we were waiting for the results. I looked at the screen that showed my score and saw that it showed 5.1. I started screaming and jumping around as I saw that I was at the top of the competition.

I did it!


I made my way to my dad and my sister together with Juliana. As I saw them, I ran into my dad's arms and Sofia, my 7 years old sister, hugged my leg.

,,You did it, sweetheart!" My dad said proudly.

,,Well...we don't know what the next three girls are gonna get." I said breaking the hug.

,,Stop being so pessimistic. Your score is an 5.1! It's hard to break it, Mila." He said and tried to relax me.

I'm a real overthinker and pessimist sometimes, but my dad always reminds me to stay positive and see the good part in everything. It's not as easy as it seems, but I'm trying at least.

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