One kiss and two rounds (chapter 35)

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Shawn POV

As Camila walked away with Aaliyah there was a dead silence between me and Stephen. He seemed okay, but I still think that it's pretty early for her to have a boyfriend. I mean it's not like I can decide for her, but I'm going to be happy for her anyways. Boyfriend or not.

As they came back, Camila took my hand and said:

,,Come on. Let's go on the ice."


,,Come on!" She said and pulled me after her leaving Aaliyah and Stephen behind.

,,Mila, we can't leave them alone." I said as we sat down and put our skates on.

,,They need to talk. Aaliyah will come here when they are ready. I talked to her." She said and smiled at me. ,,Come on. Let's skate!" She said excited and stood up from her seat after she put her skates on. She stretched her hand for me to take it and I did so.

I stood up and we both went on the ice and started skating around. Skating with her was always fun. Yes, we do it for a living, but we do it because we love it and when we are doing it together it's even more fun then usually.

At some point, Aaliyah made a sign at us to come and we did so.

,,I'll go home." Aaliyah said and her words confused me a little.

,,Aren't you hanging out with Stephen?" I asked.

,,Well..." She started, but didn't finish.

,,Did it go well or not...?" Camila asked and that confused me even more.

,,Yeah...we are still friends." Aaliyah said.

,,Who are you talking about?" I asked them.

,,Can you tell him?" Aaliyah asked Camila and Mila nodded. ,,Then I'll go home now. See you later." Aaliyah said and left.

,,What just happened?" I asked confused as we got back on the ice.

,,She broke up with Stephen."

,,What!? How does that make sense? She wanted us to meet him so she can break up with him?" I asked confused.

,,Well I don't know. She wanted to have what we have. I told her that she shouldn't be searching for a boy and instead enjoy her life until her boy finds her."

,,That's what you did, huh?" I asked and she giggled.

,,We already had this conversation." She said and I started laughing lightly.

,,So she decided to break up?" I asked still a little confused by the situation.

,,Shawn, she's fourteen and she's Aaliyah. I didn't expect it to take long anyways cause it didn't seem serious from what she told me."

,,From what she told you? You knew about this guy before she told me?" I asked and felt a little weird. Not hurt, but weird. I know Aaliyah has a strong bond with Camila, but I didn't expect to be the last one to find out. I thought she told us at the same time, but apparently not...

,,She told me a few days ago on the phone. She wanted to know if I think you would overreact." She said.


,,You mad that she told me before?" She asked with a worried tone in her voice.

,,No.. No! I just didn't expect to be the last one to find out.... It's like she can't trust me." I said and she took my hand in hers looking at me while skating around.

,,It's not that! She trusts you more than anyone and that's why your opinion is so important. She wanted to be sure you like him, but now it's not that important anymore cause yes... "

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