Surpri- (chapter 32)

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Camila POV

As we got to the building where my dad and Sofia were living, I took my keys and opened the building’s door. If we wanted to surprise them then we couldn’t ring at the interphone.

We walked up the stairs quietly to the apartment and then opened the door as quiet as possible.

,,Surpri-" I screamed as I opened the door, but immediately shut up and froze.

I couldn't believe my eyes.... I was speechless and so was Shawn next to me.

,,What the actual fuck!?" I shouted.

My dad and Juliana were literally kissing in the living room! How could that happen!? When did that happen!?

,,Mila...What are you doing here?..." My dad asked, broke apart from Juliana and made his way to me, but I moved away.

,,What the fuck are YOU doing here!?"

,,It's not what you think..." He said.

,,It's not what I think!? IT'S NOT WHAT I THINK!? You were making out with Juliana! WITH JULIANA!"

,,Mila, it's more complicated than you think..." Juliana said.

,,Wait.... Are you two a thing?" I asked in shock and I felt how my hands started shaking.

Maybe I was overreacting, but this couldn’t be true. I didn't know what I was thinking about the situation, but my feelings were never this mixed.

,,Yes, Mila." My dad said and then I froze completely. ,,We wanted to tell you, but-" My dad said and walked closer, but one more time I moved away.

,,How long?... How long has....this....been going on?" I asked and Juliana and my dad looked at the floor.

,,Three years..." My dad confused and I stormed out the apartment not being able to look them in the eyes.

Three fucking years! It's not bad enough that my 'old' trainer and my dad were together behind my back!? NO! Apparently they hid it from me for years!

I walked out the building and sat on the ice cold stairs and tried to calm myself a little bit down. I took a few deep breaths and tried to understand why they lied to me, but nothing came in my mind. I just couldn't understand.

,,Mila.." I heard Shawn's voice say and then felt how he sat down next to me. He pulled me into hug and I tried to relax, but not even his hug could do it this time.

,,I just don't understand... They have been...together...for three years. You weren't even here as it started..." I said trying to understand.

,,Maybe they had a reason..." Shawn said and I broke the hug to look at him.

,,What reason!? I am not a baby! I wasn't a baby as it started! I could have taken it! But they just made the situation worse by lying to me!" I said freaking out.

,,Mila, I don't know. I'm just trying to help... I don't want you to be mad at them. I know you love them and being mad at them while we are here isn't what you want." He said and I realized that it wasn't his fault, so I shouldn't let everything out on him.

,,I'm sorry... I didn't mean to let it out on you and I know that being mad at them it's not what I want, but i can't help it. They lied! They lied for years! I just don't understand what made them lie for such a long time..."

,,Maybe exactly this reaction..."

,,If they would have told me, I wouldn't have reacted like this. They didn't even tell me. We cought them! Maybe they didn't even plan to tell me. Maybe-"

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