The babe effect (chapter 30)

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A few months later

Shawn POV

I couldn't believe that the winter break was already here. Camila and I were so excited to see our families so we decided to surprise them. We told them we were going to come on the Sunday after we get the break, but we decided to fly home on Saturday to instead.

Today was the last day of college before the break. As I woke up and reached for Camila I was only met by the sheets. I was confused and as I opened my eyes I realized she wasn't in the room.

I stood up from the bed letting out a groan and walked out our bedroom trying to find her.

A smile immediately appeared on my face as I was met with an incredible smell that was coming out of the kitchen and I saw my tiny Mila on her tiptoes cooking something.

I walked behind her and hugged her. She winsed, but then she relaxed immediately as she realized it was me. I kissed her cheek and asked:

,,Mmm.. What are you doing there?"

I noticed she was doing some pancakes and as I wanted to eat one, she slapped my hand. I looked at her with my puppy eyes, but I wasn't as good at doing them as she was.

,,You have to wait until the pancakes are ready." She said, kissed my cheek and then continued what she was doing.

I let her finish them and walked to the table and sat down.

,,Why are you up so early?" I asked her.

,,I woke up and couldn't fall asleep anymore. I think I am too excited to see our families tomorrow. Anyways I thought I could make myself useful if I woke up so early." She explained while she took two plates and put some pancakes in there.

I followed every movement of hers and waited excited like a little child for my breakfast. She placed the plates on the table and said:

,,Bon appetite!"

,,Thank you, mom." I said and she laughed softly as she sat down on the chair next to me.

,,So do you have training today?" She asked.

,,Yep. We theoretically have training in the vacation too, but I told the coach that I'm flying back home over the holidays. Maybe I can play with your dad while we are there. You know, after the holidays we have a lot of games."

,,I think dad would love to play with you. He said he really misses you and the rest of the boys who left."

,,Even Jason?" I asked and she giggled.

,,He's an exception." She said and I laughed at her words.

After we ate breakfast, we got ready for college and walked to our lecture. The lecture felt so short and before I could realize, it ended and Camila and I needed to go to our trainings.

,,I'll come and watch you when my training is over." I told her and kissed her cheek before we needed to go separate ways.

I was pretty early there and that was because Camila needed to be at least 10 minutes earlier at the ice hall before the trainings starts. Anyway, that's why I was always the first one in the locker room. While I was changing, more and more of the guys were getting there too.

,,You were so drunk last night." Mason, one of the guys in the team said to Henry and started laughing.

,,Oh come on I wasn't that drunk...." Henry said.

,,Dude, you were hugging a chick and were calling her mom. You said something like: "Mommy, when is dad going to be home?" Shawn, you should have been there. It was hilarious." Mason said.

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