Gifts from the heart (chapter 20)

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Shawn POV

The next day I woke up and saw Camila cuddling on my side and sleeping peacefully. I remembered that she came last night here and we probably fell asleep.

I didn't want to wake her up, but I had to, because if someone would have caught us, we would be in trouble even if nothing happened.

,,Mila..." I said softly trying to wake her up. She only groaned and hid her face in my neck.

,,5 more minutes..." She mumbled.

,,I would give you the whole day, but if someone catches us then we're dead." I said and that's when Camila opened her eyes and realized where she was and why I said that.

,,Oh shit, we fell asleep! We're dead!" She said and quickly stood up from the bed.

,,Calm down. If someone asks, you woke up early and came here."

,,The only problem is that I can't lie..."

,,You don't need to if you go now to Aaliyah's room." I said and she giggled softly before she exited the room. Luckily for us there was no one in the hall, so Camila got in Aaliyah's room successfully.

,,Oh wait!" I whispered before she closed the door. She looked at me and I continued. ,,Merry Christmas!"

,,Merry Christmas!" She said smiling and closed the door afterwards. I changed in some jeans and a Christmas sweater and then went downstairs.

,,Good morning and Merry Christmas, sweetheart!" My grandma greeted as she saw me. My mom and grandma were in the kitchen and were probably preparing breakfast.

,,Morning, granny!" I said and kissed her cheek. ,,Morning, mom!" I said and kissed my mom's cheek.

,,Did you sleep well, honey?" My mom asked and I saw my grandma from the corner of my eye smirking at me. Did she know!? Did she see us!?

,,Good. I had some struggles falling asleep, but it's okay." I said and grandma was still smirking.

,,Good morning!" I heard Aaliyah shout together with Sofia. ,,Oh my god! Look at all that presents!" They said and ran to the tree.

,,Aaliyah! Sofia! We have to wait for everyone to wake up and then you can open the presents. Be patient, girls." My mom said and they both groaned and looked at all the presents with excitement, but they didn't try to open them.

,,I've never seen so many presents under a tree before..." Sofia said mesmerized.

,,Really?" Aaliyah asked.

,,Yeah.. Under our tree there were always just a few presents. One for me, one for Mila, one for dad and one for Emma."


I know that Camila's family isn't a rich one, but who cares. I know that she has to work to be able to skate and that's just so incredible. I mean she has good grades, works, is a fantastic skater and also takes care of Sofia. She's just incredible! Her whole family is. I respect her dad with all my heart and Sofia is just a sweetheart. The coach also works so hard in everything he does, just like Camila.

,,Good morning!" I heard Camila say softly to everyone as she got downstairs in a Christmas sweater and some leggings. She looked beautiful without even trying..

,,Morning!" Everyone greeted her.

,,How did you sleep?" My mom asked her.

,,Good." She simply said and smiled. I looked at my grandma and she smirked again. I swear she knows.

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