Real friend? (chapter 8)

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Camila POV

We picked up Sofia and then Aaliyah and went to my family's apartment. As we arrived at the apartment, we all took off our jackets and shoes . Sofia took Aaliyah's hand and said:

,,Come on. I'll show you mine and Mila's room."

,,Okay!" Aaliyah said and they went together in the room.

,,I'll put the pizza in the oven and it'll be ready in a few minutes." I said to Shawn and went in the kitchen. He followed me into the kitchen and sat at the table.

,,You know what?" He said as I put the pizza in the oven.


,,I thought you were more the shy type of girl, but damn, you were sassy today. In a good way." He said and I laughed.

,,Thanks...I guess." I said not knowing what else to say or how to take his words.

,,I mean, it's so cool that you fight for the things and the people you believe in. That's what I wanted to say."

,,Well, I may be short, but I'm not afraid of supporting my opinion." I said and sat at the table next to Shawn after I put the pizza in the oven.

Shawn laughed quietly and then said: ,,See, that's cool."

,,Shawn, I think we're using the word cool way too often." I said and we both started to laugh.

,,Maybe, but the word cool is a cool word." He said and we started laughing harder then before.

,,Wait a minute. I'll just go and change in some clothes for the training and I'll come back." I said after we calmed down and he nodded. I entered mine and Sofia's room and saw the girls playing with some stuffed animals. ,,I didn't want to interrupt you girls. I just wanted to take some clothes and I'll leave." I said and went over to my wardrobe and got some clothes.

The girls were giggling and whispering as I left the room. I entered the bathroom to change there, cause the girls were in my room and I didn't want to change in front of them. I exited the bathroom after I changed and then put the clothes that I had on in school in the laundry basket. I entered the kitchen again and saw that Shawn was on the phone texting someone. I sat at the table and he put his phone away.

,,Who were you texting with?" I asked just out of curiosity.

,,My mom. I told her we're here with you and Sofie." He said and I nodded and then looked in the oven. It looked like the pizza was ready, so I stood up and and took the pizza out. I put four plates on the table and then shouted:

,,Sofie, Liyah, the pizza is ready."

The girls immediately came in the kitchen and sat at the table. Everyone took a piece of the pizza a started eating.

,,So, what did you two do in the room?" Shawn asked the girls and they just started giggling.

,,Do you have secrets?" I asked them and they giggled again.

It's so sweet to see that Aaliyah and Sofia get along even if their age difference is pretty big.

,,Okay then, I guess we'll never find out what you talked about." Shawn said and smiled at me. The girls giggled again and we continued eating. To be honest, I was pretty curious about what the girls talked about, but I dropped it. After we ate, I quickly washed the dishes even if Shawn offered to wash them.

,,Oh no.. I don't have my hockey things with me for the training. I've to go and take them." Shawn said.

,,Then go home to take them and I'll go with the girls at the ice hall. We'll meet there." I told him and he agreed.

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