I already miss you (chapter 24)

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Shawn POV

During the flight we just talked and cuddled and we got some weird looks from the man next to us, but we ignored it.

,,We're going right to the apartment, right?" I asked Mila as the flight attendant said we will start landing in a few moments.

,,Yeah! We don't have furniture, so we should go and buy some afterwards."


,,Oh and I wanted to tell you that I also found some places for us to work at. You know to get some extra money."

,,Oh really?" I asked excited.

,,Yeah. We just need to go to their interviews. I found two cafes and two restaurants, but all of them have only one place free each so that means we won't work together, but it's not that bad."

,,That's cool. We should go to that interviews and, like you said, it's not bad we won't work at the same place. I mean, we already live together and go to the same college." I said and we both laughed softly.

,,You two go to college?" The man next to us suddenly said and we turned our attention on him.

,,We will. We start next week." I said friendly and Camila smiled friendly at him.

,,In what college are you?" The man asked.

,,Boston University. Can I ask why do you want to know?" I asked still friendly, but a little curious.

,,Because I'm a teacher at the Boston University. I'm Joshua Glorious." He said and smiled at us.

,,I'm Shawn Mendes."

,,And I'm Camila Cabello."

,,Well, nice to meet you kids. You never know, maybe I'm going to be your teacher this semester."

,,What are you teaching, Mr Glorious?"


,,Then we'll probably not gonna be in your class." Shawn said and we all laughed lightly.

,,What are your degrees?" He asked us

,,Well, I'm an ice skater, so I'm in the ice skating team and, besides that, I'm in the Education degree." Camila said.

,,Now I know why you two look so familiar! I was pretty confused as I saw you first. You were the tenth place at the nationals last year and you were the youngest in the whole top twenty! I was really supporting you. My whole family was. We are all big fans."

,,Really!? That means a lot..." Camila said and I was so proud of her. She just met a fan of hers. How cool is that!?

,,And now I recognize you too." He said to me. ,,You are playing hockey, aren't you?"

,,Yes, I do."

,,My son and I also watch a lot of hockey and I think you were playing for the Mushtown team?"

,,I was, but the past year I played for the Woodstock team." I informed him.

,,Oh right. Together with Jason Hallow, right?"

Sadly, yes.

,,Exactly. He was the capitan."

,,I admire the coach of that team so much! I just forgot his name right now...." The man and tried to remember, but before he could Camila said.

,,He's name is Alejandro Cabello."

,,Right! Oh- Oh! OHH! He's your father!" Mr Glorious said in realization.

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