chapter: ten

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kiss me

"Ron asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him this weekend. Just the two of us. He said he want to talk to me about something" Hermione reported to me on our way to Divination. She was very happy about that, I could tell.

"That's great, Mione. Hopefully, he finally got the guts to tell you how he feels" I responded. Hermione blushed at my words. "Yeah, I hope so"

"Can't wait for you to tell me more about it afterward" I said before we entered the classroom. Hermione and I sat down at our usual places.

The lesson just started and I already wanted to leave. Divination is really boring and Trelawney is a bit weird, to be honest.

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After our classes, Hermione and Luna decided to go studying in the library. I wasn't motivated for studying at all but I still decided to go after them since I almost died of boredom at my dorm.

As I made my way to the library, I crossed paths with the cute Hufflepuff boy. "Hey, Scarlett" he said. "Hi, Cedric" I send him a smile and both of us stopped.

"It's a good thing I meet you right now. I wanted to asked you something anyways" "Well, then ask me" I giggled.

"I wanted to ask you if you may could help me out with Charms" he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "You know, I'm afraid that I won't pass the exams and you are pretty good at Charms, so I thought" he sent me a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Just tell me when you need me and I'll be there for you" Cedric just wanted to say something when he darted a look to something behind me. "Hey, Scarlett. May I have a word with you?" a familiar voice rang out. "I'm talking to someone in this exact moment as you can see, Malfoy"

"Yeah, we have a conversation here" Cedric spat at Draco. "Well, the conversation is over now" Draco sent Cedric a death glare "Now, piss off, pretty boy" Dracos voice was quite terrifying in that moment, to be honest. Seemed like Cedric thought the same 'cause with this words spoken, Cedric said his goodbyes to me and left.

"Why you always have to be such a bitch?" I asked Draco as I started to keep going. Draco, too. "We need to talk, right now" he said. "You know, I liked it better when we weren't talking at all" I hissed. Draco put himself in front of me. "No, you don't. And we both know that" his voice was sternly. "So can we?" he asked nodding his head to a door that probably leaded to a classroom. I rolled my eyes and walked over to that door.

I recognized the room. It was the old potion class room. Draco and I were here and had a fight once, I remembered.

Draco got in as well and closed the door behind him. "So, what do you want from me, Draco?" I turned around to face him. "It's not about what I want," he approached me, making my heart beat faster "It is about what you want" he stood close to me, but our bodies weren't touching.

"Last night, in the Astronomy Tower, you wanted me to touch you" it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. "Do you still want me to touch you?" his eyes were hooked with mine, those beautiful silver eyes.

My lips parted. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. "If you want me to, you just need to say something" he came closer to me but our bodies still weren't touching. He didn't touch me at all, not his hands, not our bodies, nothing and it drove me crazy. I craved for his touch.

I swallowed my saliva. "You want me to touch you?" he asked once again. I nodded. "Use your words, Griffin"


With that, Draco took another step forward. His body was touching mine now. He put his hand on my cheek and caressed it. I closed my eyes at this and let out a sigh. "What are you doing to me?" I asked despaired as I opened my eyes again.

"Could ask you the same thing" he chuckled. "Draco?" He cocked his head at me, still stroking my cheek "Mhm"

"Kiss me"

And before I even knew, his lips collided with mine.

It was perfect.

In this exact moment, everything was just perfect.

He grabbed my cheeks with both his hands. His cold hands on my warm cheeks felt so good. I melted at his touch.

My hands landed on the back of his neck. One of my hands running through his blonde silky hair.

Our kiss got more and more passionate. His tongue running over my bottom lip, waiting for me to give him entrance. I parted my lips slightly and his tongue began to explore my mouth.

I didn't know what made me do this, I didn't know why I craved for his touch.

Everything I knew was that I wanted him. I needed him.

Our kissing slowly turned into making out. His lips went further down, kissing along my jawline, down to my neck. He sucked at my skin, hard. Fuck, I hope he won't leave any marks. I left out a soft moan as he found my sensitive spots. I could feel him smile against my skin at this.

He let go of my neck and put his forehead against mine. He chuckled. "I knew it"

"Shut up" I started chuckling as well. "I still don't get it" I said. "What?" Draco asked. "What this is all about. What happened between us. So much more" I sighed. "We've got time" he kissed my forehead. "Meet me here tomorrow at 6 pm" I nodded and with that he left the class room.

What the hell is going on? What do I want from him? What does he want from me? Am I in love with him? Is he in love with me? Why was he so mean to me all those years?

alright, this is a short one. I hope, you still enjoyed it

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