chapter: twenty-four

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i'm speechless guys. thank you so much for 51k views.


The mood at the breakfast table was quite strained; there wasn't much talking and if anyone did dare to talk, they have chosen their words carefully.

The silence and the tension were suffocating. It made me even more anxious about what excepted me at my father's.

"Make sure to let us know what's going on, okay?" Hermione placed her hand onto mine from across the table, holding a nervous look on her face. "Of course," I responded.

Before Draco and I apparated back to our manors after having a full-ass breakfast, I assured Hermione, Harry, and the Weasleys that I'll try to come back by tonight or no later than tomorrow morning; depending on what's going on at home.

And with that, Draco and I pulled out our wands and apparated to our 'lovely homes'.


It has been almost ten fucking hours since I arrived at the Griffin Manor and my father refused to tell me why it was so necessary for me to come home. The only thing he has told me was that he is gonna call me when it's time.

When is it time? When is it time for what?

Our family owl Tamina — a beautiful barn owl —went on a trip to deliver the letter I wrote for Hermione and the others to the Burrows. She wanted me to tell her what was going on; oh if only I had a clue.

I had no other choice than to spend the entire day in my room; alone. I hate it here. I haven't liked being in my room since my mother died. Everything keeps reminding me of her; of better times.

It was almost 8 pm when I laid with my back on my bed while staring at a family picture of me, my mother, and my father from when I was younger, reminiscing old times — better times — and my father called for me from downstairs.

He told me to get dressed and to wear something respectable; he still hasn't told me where the hell we're going and he wasn't willing to answer my questions.

"Where are we going?" I asked my father for like the 100th time since I arrived. My father rolled his eyes at my question as usual. "Stop asking questions and grab my arm. We are going to apparate." he reached his left arm out to me and as I slightly touched it, he winced and pulled it away. I looked at him with furrowed brows.

"On the right." he demanded and I walked to his right side, grabbing his right arm. Within seconds, I felt like throwing up. I hate apparating, but it's okay if I do it on my own; I can control it. But side-along apparition makes me sick to the bones.

As we arrived at the for me still unknown destination, I had to hold my eyes shut for a few seconds because my head was spinning and I most definitely would have thrown up if I had opened them right away. I took a deep breath before opening them.

What I saw right in front of me as I opened my eyes made me shudder and let the hair on my neck rise.

I felt like throwing up again.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I hissed at my father. "Why are we here?" I raised my voice.

Malfoy Manor.

Right in front of us, a huge black gate and a few meters behind, the huge manor.

What the hell are we doing here?

"We were invited for dinner." responded my father, trying to sound calm and unconcerned. "Why would the Malfoys — most specifically Lucius Malfoy — invite me for dinner to his house?"

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