chapter: fifteen

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The Astronomy Tower was the first place that popped up in my mind when I thought about where Draco might be. I pissed him off. I hurted him. He probably wanted to clear his mind, to have some time in peace and silence. I just knew he would be there. At least, that's where I would have gone.

The air got colder and colder the further I went up the stairs. I regretted not putting on a hoodie. And then I saw him. The blonde grabbing the railing with his left hand and running his other through his hair while facing the sky. The sky slowly turned into a ethereal orange. It was beautiful.

"I knew I would find you here." I said softly as I reached the last stair. A heavy sigh escaped his throat. "Do you want to tell me what an horrible human being I am again?" He turned around to look at me. "Because that I something I can do myself, thank you." he walked past me and wanted to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "Draco, please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He stopped his pace and looked at me again. "Don't you think I hate myself enough for what I did? I truly regret it. It is nothing I wanted to do, but I had to." his voice was broken and I felt so sorry. "Wh- what do you mean 'you had to'?" my face was plastered with confusion. "I don't care in what house you are. I never did. It never mattered to me, but my father. He always told me that every pureblood has to be in Slytherin. If they're not, they're almost as worthless as mud-" he stopped talking for a second and reformulated his words. "as muggle-borns."

I still didn't fully understand what he was trying to tell me, but I would soon. "Fuck, I had to hate you. He wanted me to hate you and I had to do everything to please him because I'm-" he stopped once again but he didn't start talking again. He just kept silent. "Because you're what?" I asked softly as I slowly approached him. Suddenly, Draco turned around. I was now facing his back and he pulled his hoodie over his head to expose it. And then I saw it. I gasped at the sight of it.

Scars. All over his back.

I took an other step forwards and softly stroke the scars. My hand was slightly shaking. What happened to him?

He pulled his hoodie back down and turned around again. His beautiful grey eyes were glazed. "He uses the cruciatus curse on me every time I don't obey him. He even uses it on me when he is just pissed over something else." I could see how much he struggled to hold in his tears. Actually, I just wanted him to let it all out. "I'm scared of him. And I don't know what he would've done to me if I would have stayed friends with you. Or what he would have done to you. I had no choice."

"I knew, I couldn't just stay away from you. I had to hate you to let go, but I couldn't. I could never hate you. And I thought making you hate me would make it easier for me to hate you. But you seemed to never hate me the way I needed you to for some reason." I took a deep breath and just an other step forward. My eyes were glazed, now, as well. I rested my hand on his cheek. "Because I could never hate you either." he sent me a weak smile and let his head slowly fall onto my shoulder. "I'm so sorry for what I said earlier, Draco. I didn't mean it at all. You have to believe me, please." I sobbed.

Draco lifted his head and looked at me, his left hand grabbing mine, stroking it gently. "I'm trying to make up for what I did. I want to fix it. I want to fix you. And I'm hoping that maybe I can be fixed, too." a tear dropped down my cheek, but he rapidly wiped it away with his thumb, cupping my face with both his hands. "I love you, Scarlett Griffin. I always have and I always will."

My eyes widened. Fuck, he just told me he loved me. But I knew for sure that I love him, too. With my whole heart.

"And I love you, Draco Malfoy. Always and forever." the smile he gave me was heartwarming and I couldn't help but pull him in for a passionate kiss.

We sat down on the floor of the Astronomy Tower and decided to stay here for a little longer. Draco laid his head on my lap and I gently played with his hair. It meant a lot to me that Draco opened up to me, that he trusted me with that. This was a big deal for him, I knew it. "I'll be a better man. For you." he mumbled softly.

༄ ༄

Finally, the next break arrived. Ron still wanted me to come with them such as Harry and Hermione. I wasn't quite sure if they'd still want me to. I thought they might want to keep me on distance for a while. But it was the complete opposite.

Everything just went back to how it was before. Sometimes, it was kinda awkward when I told them something about Draco and stuff. But they're trying and I really appreciate that a lot.

Hermione practically forced me to tell her everything about me and Draco. Like how it all even started and stuff. She still wasn't much of a fun of him but she was ready to bury the hatchet. Step by step.

Hermione, Ron, Harry and Draco, all of them, even agreed to go to The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer together after the break. It took me a while to convince Draco, though.

Hermione and the boys already went to our compartment in the Hogwarts Express. I told them I'll catch up since I wanted to say my goodbyes to Draco before he goes to his compartment with his boys.

"The first day after the break, there will be a party at the Slytherin common room and I want you to come." Draco said as his arms were wrapped around my waist. "Mhm, I don't know." I considered "Are there going to be hot dudes?" I said playfully. Draco chuckled and rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Fuck, this shit is so hot.

"Well, I'll be there and I'll be all yours if you come." he looked to his left and right to check that everyone is out of earshot and bend down to my ear. His warm breath fanning against my earlobe. "And I promise you, you will come if you attend." Yep, he knows how to send shivers all over my body.

"Everyone on the train now. We'll leave right away." Hagrids shouting interrupted my giggling. Draco pressed one kiss on my lips. And an other one. "I'm going to miss you so bad." his hands trailed over my body. "Oh, how much I will miss touching you."

As I finally arrived at my compartment, I still smiled like an idiot. "What are you smiling at?" Ron asked me who just put some chocolate into his mouth. "Huh?" I shook my head slightly, I didn't notice what he said. "What are you smiling at?" he repeated. "Nothing." I responded, still smiling.

okay this chapter is not very long i'm so sorry. i hope you still enjoyed it.

thank y'all so much for your lovely comments under the last chapter. it really made my day. lots of love xx

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