chapter: twenty-three

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"Hello, my lovely children." Mrs. Weasley's voice rang out as we entered the front yard of the Weasley residence. She stood at the door; ready to pepper her kids with kisses and hugs.

Draco joined me and Hermione again as Fred and George fastened their pace to greet their mother. He seemed more relaxed and I could tell that he was also a lot happier; he didn't show it bluntly but I could feel it. It's weird, I know, but it felt like I could look through his tough façade.

"So good to see you all again!" said Molly between hugs and kisses. A smile grew onto my face; I couldn't help it. Seeing how much affection and love Molly gives her children is just the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed.

Yet Molly doesn't just show affection and love towards her biological children but to Harry, Hermione, and me. "Good to see you, as well." Molly's lips curved into another glowing smile as she pulled Harry into an embrace; just as Hermione and me afterward.

Draco stood now in front of the woman, twisting his mouth to the side. Molly put a smile on her face for him, too. "I'm happy you could make it," said Molly and reached for his hand, placing the other one on his shoulder. Draco took her hand, looking at their merged hands before looking up and meeting her hazel eyes. "Thanks for having me," responded Draco.

"You must be hungry. Sit down, I made you something," said Molly. "Thank, Merlin. I'm starving," admitted Ron. "When not?" mocked Ginny. Ron made a venomous grimace at her comment; Ginny mimicked him after.

We sat down at the wooden table. Me beside Draco, of course. It already smelled delicious; I was pretty sure that Molly made her famous meatballs with onion soup.

As if I manifested it Molly came back with a pot of her soup. Ron was the first to fill soup in his bowl. Molly slapped his hand and he let go of the trowel. "Ouch!" mewled Ron. "Our guests at first, Ronald." the vicious look she sent Ron changed into a sweet one as she turned her head to Draco and grabbed his bowl. "Do you want some, dear?" she asked. "Yes, please." responded Draco.

After everyone finished their bowl, we've talked about school and how everyone's life is going. To be honest, most of the conversation was between Draco and Molly, but I loved it. Draco was quite hesitant but still super respectful and polite. Throughout the conversation, Draco's shyness almost vanished. He talked openly to Molly and answered all of her questions.

"And do you already know what you want to do after school?" asked Molly. "I want to live," he answered determinedly. Molly looked confused. "But you're living already, don't you?" she asked him interested; not making fun of him in any way but taking him seriously. "I'm alive, but I'm not living." a questioning expression still lingered on Molly's face; waiting for him to keep talking.

"I'm just following orders. Doing what everyone except me to do. But as soon as I graduated, I want to do what I want." continued Draco. Everyone in the room hung on Draco's every word. "And what do you want to do?" Molly kept the conversation going. "I want to see the world. That's one of my biggest desires. The world has so much to offer and I haven't even seen half of it."

"That's an amazing plan." agreed Molly. I thought so, as well. Traveling the world has always been one of my things on my bucket list. "But don't you want to settle down? A house? A job? A family?" asked Molly.

"Yes, one day I want to settle down with —" he stopped his sentence, quickly glancing at me, and then his eyes met Molly again. "with my wife."

All other eyes darted to me and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Once again, Draco Malfoy managed to make me fucking blush.

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