chapter: thirty-one

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if anything happens

"What?" I was stunned as the words slipped out of Harry's mouth. "You ban me from going with you?"

"We're not banning you," Harry defended. "And it wasn't our decision. Dumbledore said it was necessary."

"Why me? Why are you leaving me behind?"

"Scar," Hermione said as she reached for my arm, but I yanked it away, standing up from Ron's bed. My patience came to an end.

"I was the first one to volunteer, remember? I was the first one to raise my fucking hand, saying I'd come with you no matter what. And now you're fucking excluding me like that?"

"We are not excluding you. And like I said, it wasn't our choice," Harry said. "I'm your best student," I said, pointing my index finger at Harry. "That's what you said."

"Because you are," he responded. "That's why Dumbledore thought you should go back. To help the professors to protect Hogwarts and the students. None of them will be safe if Voldemort finds out that we are after his Horcruxes." Harry's gaze switched between Ron and Hermione, hoping for some support from them. But as smart as they were, they didn't say anything.

"And what about you? What if you run into a dangerous situation? I couldn't live with myself if —" I didn't finish my sentence, not wanting to speak my terrible thoughts out loud. Hermione looked up at me. She realized.

"Dumbledore said —"

"I don't give a damn what Dumbledore said," I hissed at Harry. Before any one of them could say anything else, I slammed the door to Ron's room shut from outside. I stamped down the stairs with no real destination, going wherever my legs would take me.

Just then, I understood how Ginny must have felt as Ron told her that she couldn't accompany the four of us.

Fury fogged my brain and faded my surroundings out as I stomped through the kitchen of the Burrow. I ignored the perplexed looks of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley as I tramped through the kitchen with clenched fists. My nails dug into the skin of my palm, and I was afraid it would draw blood. I wasn't in the condition nor the mood to talk to anyone, anyway so I walked straight past them and out of the back door.

I gathered all my senses and recognized my surroundings again as I found myself in front of the shed.

I took a deep breath before I hectically opened the door, not thinking that someone else could be busy in there. As the door swung open, a redhead shot up and glanced directly at me. Fred's features softened as he realized that I was the one to interrupt him.

The scent of muggle-herb invaded my nostrils. I deeply inhaled through my nose and closed my eyes as the sensation of the smell hit my cells. The mixture of anger and sadness, that I held, eased.

As I opened my lids again, I searched the room. On the table, in front of the sofa where Fred perched, was a tiny bag, with plant-like content in it, located; muggle-herb. Fred held a paper in between his deft fingers, which was used to roll a joint, some of the muggle-herb spread in it.

Fred's eyes were on me still, and only as my eyes met his, I concluded that I disrupted him. I wondered what he was even doing there. Wasn't he supposed to be at Diagon Alley? At his shop?

"I'm sorry," I babbled. "I didn't want to bother you. I- I actually didn't know you were in here. I'm just going to leave again."

The calmness, that the scent of the muggle-herb produced for a brief instant, vanished. Instead, Harry's words echoed in my head, and my anxiety took over.

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