chapter: eight

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24th December 1996

"Get down now, we'll be late" I heard my father yelling from downstairs. I just put the last bit of my highlighter on and went down to him. Actually, I wanted to stay home. I knew my father wouldn't let me. But I could feel that he wanted me to stay at home as much as I did. All for his fucking reputation.

"You could have put on some more elegant clothes. Do you want to embarrass me in front of my colleagues?" he asked as I reached the end of the stairs. I looked down at my black sheer tights and my black skirt. I wore a dark green knit sweater with them. "I'm sorry, I didn't made myself look like a princess for the event I don't even want to go to.. not." I responded angrily. "Watch your mouth!" my father spat as he opened the door and walked out. I walked after him.

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"Hello, Elijah. Glad you made it. And you brought your daughter. Hello Scarlett." I looked around the room, not following the conversation as my fathers boss greeted me. My father pushed me a little with his elbow in my back. "Hello, Mr Fudge." I said as I snapped back to the conversation. My fathers boss sent us a lightly nod and a smile and left us standing there.

My father came closer to me and grabbed my wrist very roughly. So roughly, that it hurted me a little. I looked down at his and at my wrist and gasped. "Don't try to embarrass me like that again, Scarlett!" he whispered aggressively in my ear. He loosened his grip as Lucius Malfoy walked towards us.

"Hello, Elijah." Lucius welcomed my father with a hug. After they let go of the hug, he looked me up and down in absolute disgust, not saying a word to me. "Come on, let's grab something to eat." Lucius said as he put his arm around my fathers shoulder and turned him away from me. I still stood there, watching them walking away.

I need a fucking drink right now.

I made my way to the bar and sat down on one of the bar stools. The bar tender turned around to me. He was very attractive and I think he was around my age. "What can I do for you, gorgeous?" I felt my cheeks rising pink. "I'll get a Whiskey, please." I responded. "A Whiskey?" he asked me like he has never seen a girl drinking whiskey. "Yeah?" I said confused. He poured Whiskey in a glass and handed it to me. "It's just, women usually don't drink Whiskey, that's all." he smiled, making sure I'm not mad about his question. "I'm not like other women." I grabbed my drink and drank it at one sip. The bar tender looked at me kinda impressed. I slammed lightly my glass on the table. "Please, get me an other one."

After I asked the bar tender for my fifth drink, he asked me if I was fine. "Why shouldn't I be?" I returned the question. "Well, you're asking me for your fifth drink and when you first came here, you didn't really looked like you're enjoying the event."
I thought about what he was saying. I really wasn't fine. "You're right, I don't enjoy this event. I'm already thinking about pitching myself off of the roof instead of sitting here anymore." I chuckled to make clear I was just joking around. The bar tender slightly chuckled as well, not sure if he should take this serious or not.

I wasn't sure about it either. But the more I thought about it, the more I started to like this idea.

A lot more drinks later, I asked the bar tender once again for an other drink. He poured in more Whiskey into my glass and wanted to hand it to me as an other hand grabbed the glass.

"Don't you think she have had enough drinks?" the voice sent shivers down my spine. I turned my head and immediately looked into those mesmerizing silver eyes. "You shouldn't be drinking that much, Scarlett. Seriously." Draco said. The tone of his voice made him not seem like he is worried about me, more like he is annoyed by me.

"Wow. Draco Malfoy is talking to me. What an honour." I mocked him and grabbed the glass. Draco immediately grabbed the glass, as well. My gaze switched from our hands on the glass to his face. "Don't be stupid, Scarlett." he cocked his head at me.

"I can do whatever I want." I grabbed the glass harder and yanked it towards me. Dracos jaw clenched. I put the glass on my mouth and swallowed all of it in one sip. I slammed the glass on the bar table, stood up and tumbled away.

"You're a friend of hers?" the bar tender asked Draco. "I- uhm yes,.. I mean, no.. kind of." he responded. "Well, she said something to me earlier which made me worry about her." the bar tender said. Both of them looked at each other in worry.

There I stood. At the edge of the roof of that hotel where this stupid event took place. The words I said to the bar tender earlier sunk into my mind. Maybe everything would just be better if I jumped of that roof right now.

I just needed it to stop.

This constant feeling within my chest and my stomach. If anything bad happens to you and you get your heart broken, you literally get your heart broken. And when you say that it hurts, it really does. It really hurts. And this type of pain is unbearable.

I looked up at the sky. "Why'd you left me?" I sobbed. "You were the only person in this world who loved me.. and you just left me. How could you do this to me? How could you leave me behind with a man who hates me?" I was still looking at the sky, not expecting an answer and I kept going. "I know, every time he looks at me, he wishes that I have died instead of you." tears streaming down my cheeks by now.

I looked down to the ground, closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I heard the door to the roof swung open. I turned my head around quickly.

"Scarlett, pl- please. D- d- don't do this."

"Leave me alone, Draco." I spat.

"You don't need to do this, Scarlett." he took a few steps towards me. "Why would you even care? You hate me. Nothing would change for you if I were gone, so fuck off!" Dracos lips parted as he wanted to say something. "No, I don't want to hear it, Malfoy."

I turned back around and I lost the balance.

Now, it was time. In a few seconds all this pain would be gone, I thought. I closed my eyes and just let it happen.

But within seconds, Draco pulled his arms around my waist and pulled me away. Everything just happened so fast. We fell to the ground of the roof. He laid with his back on the ground, his arms still tight around my waist. I laid with my back on his stomach.

"Why did you do this, you piece of shit?" I yelled at him as I started crying. He sat himself up and so did I. I slammed my fists against his chest. "Did you really think I would just let you throw yourself of that roof?" he asked in an angry tone. "It was not your fucking choice. I wanted to do it. I was fucking ready to." I slammed his chest all over again until he finally grabbed my wrist and stopped me from it.

I cried harder and broke down into his arms. My head laid on his chest and his arms were around me again, holding me close.

I felt safe.

After I gathered myself together again I pulled away from Draco. "Don't tell my father about this." I stood up and he still sat on the ground and looked at me in a weird way. "Or just go and tell him. I couldn't care less." I rubbed the dust from my skirt and walked to the door.

"You just want to leave just now? No thank you for saving your fucking life? Nothing?" he stood up and asked. "I didn't need you to safe my life, don't you get it? I want to fucking die." I spat. "No, I do not get it. Why would you just take your own fucking life?"

"Because there is nothing left for me. Nothing. No one. A father who hates me? No thank you." Draco stayed silent for a few seconds but started talking when I wanted to turn around again. "But there are people for you. There are people who care about you. I-.." I looked at him. I hoped that one specific sentence would come out of his mouth. One specific sentence that would change everything. "Your friends. Weaslebee, Potter and the mudblood." That was not what I wanted to hear.

"If you call her like that again, Malfoy, I swear to god, I'll push you off of this roof." I sent him a deadly glare and left the roof.

How stupid am I? Did I really think Draco cares about me? Pathetic.

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