chapter: thirty-two

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As you guys can see, I tried myself on an edit. It is certainly not perfect, but I still kinda like it hihi


Happiness or sorrow?

I debated with myself which of these feelings was the one I felt as I entered the Hogwarts Express.

Happiness because I would be reunited with Draco.

Sorrow because I searched the train for an available compartment without Hermione, Ron, and Harry.

Familiar faces walked past me, sending me a quick smile or a wave of their hand as they were looking for their friends. I struggled to smile back, and as I wasn't able to bring anything except of an exceedingly forced smile — which wasn't pleasant for anyone — I chose to respond with a simple 'hi' instead.

Squeaks and giggles chimed in my ear. I turned my head to my right and spotted a bunch of excited children in a compartment.

I was quick to discover that they were first years; tiny witches and wizards who were talking about the houses and wondered which they would be sorted in.

"I am going to be a Gryffindor," a little boy with dark hair stated. He stood up from the bench, stuck out his chest, and placed his clenched hand on his heart. "Because I am as strong and brave as a lion."

I caught myself smiling at his statement. I remembered how I had ridden the train for the first time in my life. I had been similar to these children; excited about the different houses. I had been just like the dark-haired boy; sure of which house I would be sorted in.

My smile vanished as I remembered how wrong I had been, how nothing had gone as planned.

That was how it worked; if you had a plan, everything entirely structured, something would happen. Something that would destroy the entire plan. The plan would go under and it would pull everything and everyone down with it.

A soft hand wrapped around mine, tore me from my gloomy thoughts, and made my pace come to a pause. As I turned, the red colour of Ginny's hair caught my eyes. 

Ginny hadn't left her room until we left for the train station. As she had emerged in the kitchen of the Burrow two minutes before leaving, her eyes had been reddened, and her cheeks puffy. Ginny was sad about their absence, but she refused to put it on display. At that point, her appearance didn't show a single sign of her distress.

"Come, we'll sit here," she said softly, glimpsing at the compartment alongside her before she looked at me again. A bush of blonde hair peeked out of said compartment, and Luna sent me a tender smile.

It's stupid, but sitting with someone else than Ron, Hermione, and Harry seemed sort of wrong. That's why I initially planned on sitting alone. "I think I'll just —"

"Scar," Ginny inclined her head, her face wore firmness, yet her eyes gleamed sensitively at me. "Please, sit with us." The gentle squeeze Ginny gave my hand reminded me that we were connected through them.

Our hands weren't the only thing that connected us. The realization was the reason I chose to sit with them, eventually.

As I finally nodded, Ginny led me into the compartment. She sat down and I took a seat next to her. Luna sat across from her, and Neville beside Luna.

"Hi, Scar," he greeted with his usual smile. I responded with a smile myself; it wasn't as bright and wide as usual, but it was something.

Luna inclined her head as she studied me and my aura. However, she said nothing. She leaned back in her seat and held her dreamy expression as she hummed to herself.

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