chapter: eleven

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Hermione couldn't talk about anything else than her 'date' with Ron. It started right when we woke up, on our way to breakfast, on our way to our classes, during lunch (when the boys weren't nearby), on our way to our dorm and from the point were we entered our room to now, the late afternoon.

I didn't mind her talking to me about Ron non-stop. I was just glad that she finally talked to me about her REAL feelings for him at all. She used to deny it or she stopped when the topic came up. But now he is everything she's talking about. She has hope, I guess. Hope, that he is going to tell her that he feels the same way about her. Hope, that they finally be honest to each other. And I look forward to them admitting their feelings for each other.

Hermione asked me help her pick an outfit for the weekend already, even though it was just Wednesday. We found a really cute outfit for her. She is going to wear a cute black skirt with a see-through longsleeve shirt with flowers on it. She's probably going to put a tank top under to not show off her bra like that in Hogsmeade.

I haven't told Hermione about me and Draco. I wasn't sure what this even is or what it is going to be. But I know for sure, that Hermione would never get approve of that. At first, I want to see how it goes with Malfoy. Maybe it is already over in two days, maybe there was never anything going to start at all. If it'd go further and it goes well, I had to tell Hermione and the boys sooner or later, but this was an issue I didn't wanted to face just yet.

The time flew by and Hermione started to read one of her books, while laying on the bed. I looked at the clock, almost 6 pm, time to meet Draco.

I stood up from my bed, heading to the door. "Where are you going?" Hermione didn't break away from her book. "I- uhm I'm just going for a walk" I gulped nervously. "Alright, be careful"

I left my dorm and walked straight up to Dracos and my spot, the old potion class room.

I reached the door and opened it. Draco was already there, leaning against a table. "Hey" I said. Draco came towards me and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Hi"

Draco took my hand and leaded me to a table. He jumped a little to sit himself onto the table. I copied what he did and sat myself besides him onto that table. We started talking. We've talked for a while about a lot of stuff. But we didn't talked about what I wanted to talk about the most and he didn't seem to want to talk about it at a later time.

"Draco," I finally spoke up about this "I am still so confused" he looked at me like he didn't knew what I was talking about. "About what?" he asked. "About this, about us, about what this is going to be"

"Look," he jumped off of the table and put himself in front of me, right between my legs "all I know is that we've got more than enough time and," he placed his hands on both my thighs right under my skirt, the cool material of his rings giving me goosebumps. He squeezed my thighs gently "we'll see what this is going to be" he placed his lips on my neck, planting wet kisses on my soft skin. His hands squeezing my thighs tighter. I slightly threw my head back at the feeling of his touch.

"I need to know it, Draco" a small moan escaped my lips. He was still kissing my neck, sucking at my sensitive spots. "You don't take me serious, don't you?" he stopped kissing my neck and looked at me, deep in my eyes with a smirk "I do take your needs serious, darling" he said as he shove his hands further under my skirts, squeezing my thighs a bit more. His eyes were still hooked with mine "Or do you want me to stop?" his hands stopped sliding further. I bit my lip. I didn't want him to stop. Fuck, I could feel how my underwear slowly got wet "Didn't thought so"

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