chapter: fourteen

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"Hermione, I- I thought you were asleep already." I stuttered."Yeah, I thought so, too. But I've been kinda worried about you. You were gone for four hours." she sat up on her bed and turned the light on. "You can't tell me you were walking on your own for four hours." her eyes bored me with an expectant look. She knows, I'm lying. Of course, she does. Hermione knows my every movement and what they're supposed to mean. She knows what I do when I'm nervous or uncomfortable. She knows small expressions on my face or small movements I make when I'm lying. There was absolutely no use in telling her I was walking on my own, not anymore. She knew I lied.

"I have been walking on my own for this long before." I defended. "Yeah, that's right, but you did it like once a month and now you have been walking on your on every night for the last few weeks." she said the last part in a sarcastic tone to express that she didn't believe me. "When did you start to not trust me anymore?" her voice got low. She was disappointed. Fuck, my best friend thinks that I don't trust her. "Mione, I do trust you!" I said. "It's just kinda complicated to explain. I- I don't know how." Hermione cocked her at at me. Man, she always does this when she want me to tell her something. "I'm pretty sure I'll keep up."

I sighed heavily. It took me a minute or two to find the courage to tell her. To tell her that I'm dating the guy who bullied her and the boys throughout the years since we came to Hogwarts. "You're right, I'm not walking on my own." Excitement grew in her eyes. "I'm- I'm seeing someone." I kept stuttering like the fucking idiot I am. "Knew it!" Hermiones eyes widened and her voice was filled with pride. She was proud, because she knew what was going on without me telling her and she was proud that I found someone to be with. Oh, she won't be proud after the next five minutes. "Who is it?" she asked excited.

"That's it, Hermione. That's the complicated part." she furrowed her brows at me in confusion. "What should be complicated about this part? Just go ahead and tell me already." she said impatient. "Fine, but you have to hear me out before saying something, alright?" Hermione gestured me to keep talking. I took a deep breath. "It's Draco."

For a few seconds, there was just the sound of us breathing, nothing else. "Draco like in Draco Malfoy?" she asked sharply. "Since there is only one Draco at Hogwarts, yes, Draco Malfoy." Like I said, her eyes weren't filled with excitement and pride anymore. They're were filled with anger and disappointment. "Your seriously telling me that you are dating that Draco Malfoy? The Draco Malfoy who gave us living hell all over the years since we were in Hogwarts?" she stood up from her bed and yelled at me. "Hermione, please, let me—" she cut me off. "Did you forget what he has done to us? What disgusting names he called me? How he terrorized Harry? Fuck, he even insulted you for being a Gryffindor!" I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle her being this mad at me. I walked towards her but she backed off.

"Hermione, I have talked to him. He wants to change. I know it. I want to help him become a better person." tears started to pool in my eyes by now. "Don't you want me to be happy?"

"Of course, I want you to be happy, Scarlett. But you won't be happy with him. You won't have a happy ending with him and you know that." her voice got lower now, but it was still filled with anger. "I am happy. I am happy with him." I felt a tear drop down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away with my palm. "He must have gave you a love potion or something. You are out of your mind." Hermione hissed. "Fuck, why does everyone get to be happy. But when I am, my best friend isn't happy for me?" my voice broke, this was too much. "He won't make you happy. Don't be stupid. He's an awful human being and some people can never change." Hermione came closer to me and put her hands on each of my shoulders. She shook me slightly as if she was trying to wake me up. "Stop it!" I mumbled and pulled her hands away. "I've never been this sure about anything else in my life before." I looked at her with pleading eyes. I wanted her to understand. Why couldn't she understand? "Fine." Hermione turned around, grabbed some of her stuff and walked to the door. "I'm staying at the boys' tonight." and with that, she walked away and left me alone.

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