chapter: thirty-seven

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The time was running and I had none to waste.

The ring on my bedside table the night before was my sign.

Dumbledore wouldn't help me, I knew that, and I didn't care anymore. But there were a lot of other witches and wizards who would help me, I was convinced.

Molly, Arthur, Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin.

They would help me, I was sure. But I was as well aware of the fact that they wouldn't go against an influential wizard — a wizard Albus Dumbledore vouched for — without solid evidence.

All of them, especially Molly, would trust me when I'd say there was something odd, but they wouldn't be able to work based on my word only.

So the day after my birthday, I chose to get solid evidence.

The time is running.

The Slytherin common room appeared more gloomy than usual. And it was cold. Why was it so fucking cold in there?

Mostly the younger students occupied the common room. Playing board games or merely sitting around the fireplace. The occasional laughter that chimed warmed the room a tiny bit.

Students my age were nowhere near, which I welcomed. So without any incidents, I made my way to the last door of the boys' corridors.

I just reached it, only a heartbeat away from knocking, as it opened.

His eyes were widened as he found me in front of his door. I didn't take the time to study his appearance like I usually would have done. He wasn't anticipating me. I was an uninvited guest.

And I was afraid he would shut the door right in front of my face if I let a minute pass. That he would slip between my fingers just as I seized him if I let too much time go by. Time we didn't have.

"Perfect timing," I casually said as I walked past him into his dorm, nudging his right arm with my shoulder since he occupied the entire way.

"I ain't got no time," he said in a gruff voice, with his back to me and still grasping the doorknob.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Well, you'll have to take that time, Draco."

His body went rigid as I uttered his name. Two seconds passed — but for someone who had no time, they felt like hours —, before he closed the door, let go of the knob, and turned around.

Dark circles under his eyes. Pale skin. Tousled hair.
I inhaled sharply as I took in his appearance. He looked better than the last time I had been in his dorm. But he still didn't look like himself.

The eyes.

Draco mimicked my stance, crossing his arms over his chest. Cocking his head the slightest, he waited for me to speak up.

I heaved a deep breath, letting my arms fall to my sides, resigned. "Draco."

I took a step forward, but Draco's body stiffened and I stopped. "Tell me, Draco."

"What?" he hissed, his eyes narrowed.

"Tell me what the fuck is going on with you so I can try to fix it."

"Nothing is going on, Scarlett. Just leave it," he responded nonchalantly. I balled my hands to fist at my sides.

"You think I'm fucking stupid, don't you?" I asked, louder this time. "Do you think I don't see it? Why the hell are you skipping classes and meals? Why do you avoid me at every cost ever since we came back here? Why don't you just let me fucking help you?"

His face was stoic still, but the shift in his expression as I scolded didn't go unnoticed by me. "You're asking a lot of questions."

I scoffed. "Of course, I'm asking fucking questions. What else am I supposed to do? And you're not giving me any answers."

"There are a few other things on my mind that you could do with that mouth instead of asking questions."

Is he for real right now? My eyes narrowed as he took a step toward me. And another. Another. Until the warmth of his body spread over my own.

Draco was only inches away from me. And I craved more.

But I wouldn't give in. I couldn't.

He placed his hand on my jaw, tilting my head up ever so slightly. The skin where his fingers touched me began to tingle immediately. He took his thumb and ran it over my bottom lip, pulling it down just the slightest bit. "We should put your mouth to better use."

I needed to close my eyes. It was too much. His smell. His touch. His words and the hoarse voice in which he said them. "Draco," I sighed.

"I want to help you." I still wasn't able to open my eyes. I would have given in if I looked into his eyes, I knew it. "Just let me help you and give me answers,"

"You can help me," he said, and I opened my eyes warily. Yes, Draco. Let me help you. "Stop asking me stupid questions and get on your knees."

I bat his hand away and took a step backward. "What?" Disbelief laced my voice. It was written all over my face as well, I was sure.

"Come on, Scarlett." Draco took a step toward me again, reaching for me and drawing his finger over my jawline. "Suck my dick and help me with my misery."

He haunted me. Draco fucking haunted me.

Once more, I pushed his hand away from me. Pressing my palms onto his chest and pushing him afterwards that. No use, though, he stumbled back solely the slightest. Not even an inch.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled. "I am here to fucking help you, and you are mocking me?"

"Just fucking let it be, Scarlett. There is nothing you could help me with." Draco raised his voice as well, but he wasn't yet yelling the way I was. "It's none of your business, anyway," he mumbled quietly.

I was fuming. I would bet five galleons that steam came out of my ears. By the heat in my face, I could tell my cheeks were red. Red with anger.

"It breaks you, Draco. Whatever this shit is that is going on, it breaks you. Do you think I can't see it?"

Unconsciously, I took a step toward him, pressing my finger into his muscular chest. His gaze shifted. The haunt vanished to the last bit, and it was replaced by apprehension.

It breaks him.

"It breaks you. That is my business," I said no longer yelling. Rather resigned. I sighed and Draco's breath was heavy. His head dropped and he gazed at the floor.

I watched him.

He was considering.

"Get out," Draco said, his voice calm, yet, I stumbled backward as his words hit me straight in the face.


"Just get the fuck out!" His stare was fierce on me when he finally lifted his head again. My throat was laced up. I couldn't breathe.


I couldn't take it. I couldn't take him looking at me like that. So I did. With bated breath, I lurched toward his door.

Draco didn't turn to look at me. His back was still facing me as I reached the door and looked over my shoulder, back at him. "I know what you're doing," I said.

His shoulders sagged. His breath was shallow. "It's not working. You acting like an asshole won't change the fact I care for you. It hasn't before." Draco inhaled through his nose, his leg jerked almost invisibly as though his body wanted to move, reach for me, but whatever possessed him held him back.

Just like on the first day of the school year.

"You'll have to do a lot better than that."

I pulled the door shut behind me.

Left my Draco alone with his demons.

And let my tears fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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