Chapter 21 - Bloodshed

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I wake up to the sound of Carl and Thomas leaving. They were probably going into the forest with Michonne and Hershel again.

I got up and got changed into a khaki green gathered t-shirt, distressed grey jeans and a pair of dark brown combat boots. Beth took Maya and I silently exited via the fire door. I spot Alex, Theo and Erik over in the field digging graves for the people that died. I run over and pick up a shovel. I put a hand on Theo’s shoulder. “You need some rest, We’ll take care of this”, I say kindly. “Thank you”, he chokes out. He takes one last look at Shae’s lifeless body before walking away. “Poor guy is lost without her”, I say sadly. “She died a hero, she helped this place from getting overun”, Erik says as he scoops up a shovel full of dirt. We put Shae’s body in the hole and begin to put the dirt back over the hole. I caught one last glance at her face before Erik threw the dirt over it.

I fill up my water bottle and chug it down, trying to quench my growing thirst. I saw my Dad and Daryl arguing over at the cellblock door. I heard them mention Carol. I haven’t seen Carol since My Dad came back from the supply run. I put the water bottle down as I heard the boom from the field. I turned to see an army tank with several trucks surrounding it. The Governer stood atop the truck in the middle. I panicked and ran towards the admin building. I went into my room and Beth and Maya were nowhere to be seen. I grabbed all of my guns and knives and put them in my backapck along with clothes and supplies. This is what we were supposed to do in case of an attack, we were meant to flee. I had my assault rifle in my hands with a number of rounds in my pockets. I flung my bag on my back and ran back outside.  The group was gathering at the fence and my Dad was shouting at the governer. I ran over to Daryl and he handed me more ammuntion. “What the hell is happening?”, I asked. “The Goverener wants the prison”, He says angrily. I turned towards the fence and saw the tank again. “They have a tank, Daryl! We don’t stand a chance!”, I say frantically. “Yes we do. You get Maya and you get on that bus no matter what!”, He says grabbing me by the hand. He begins leading me over to the cellblock as I spot Hershel and Michonne in the corner of my eye. I yank my hand free and run back over. My Dad goes down to talk to the Governer. I take my bag off of my back and run downto my Dad, the group shouts in protest but I need to help my Dad. He wasn’t in the best postion to be making life and death decisions. The goverener takes out his pistol and shoots three lone walkers. “The sound will only draw more of ‘em in, you won’t be able to get out then”, The governer says with a shrug. “You don’t have to do this, we can all live together, people from Woodbury are here, you’re former people”, I plead. “Girl, I’d advise you to shut the hell up. You got two choices, fight or leave. What’s it gonna be?”, He says with narrowed eyes. I look to my Dad for answers but instead he shakes his head furiously. “No, we are not leaving”, my Dad says firmly. The Governer’s eyes fill with anger and he jumps down and grabs Michonne’s katana. He puts it to Hershel’s neck. “Don’t do it! We can all change and live to accept each others past mistakes towards each other! Nothing good ever comes from violence, both of our groups will suffer casualties! Will that be worth it?!”, I shout. “Oh yes, It will be worth it”, He says with a sick smile. A girl my age with pigtails cowers in fear. “You! With the pigtails! Do you really want to die to fulfill this mans sick fantasies?!”, I ask. She looks at the Governer in wide eyes and she swallows nervously. “Didn’t think so”, I hissed. “We can all take the prison together. I know we have all hurt each other from Woodbury but we can work on it, we can learn to trust each other”, My Dad begs. “Liar”, The Governer mutters angrily. He raises the katana and slices it into Hershel’s neck. I take out my gun and spread the bullets through the group. I back up and go behind an overturned car as I hear the fences begin to fall. I duck out of the way of a grenade and run up towards the gate backwards, firing bullets as I go. My Dad stays hidden behind a car and fires bullets from the side. I clamber on top of the car in front of me and fire at the soldiers as they begin to run up towards the gate. I dodge the bullets expretly and as I fire at a woman with curly hair I slip off the car and fall to the ground with a thud. I regain my footing but my ankle throbs in protest. The woman finds me and tackles me down to the ground. I get my gun and shoot her in the forehead. Her body falls onto mine and I roll the limp body onto the grass. I reload my gun with the last round and pray that I won’t run out of bullets. The noise of bullets and blood curdling screams echo in my ears as I shoot at the governer’s men. I picture them tearing into the tombs and stabbing my Mom in the chest. It fuels me with anger and I let the bullets fly into their bodies without feeling guilty. I run into the courtyard and find that most of the group has retreated. I wasn’t going to give up without a fight. I run around the courtyard, shooting as I go. I find Alex and Theo hiding behind the plants. I run past them and go up into the guard tower, they shout at me to come down but I would have a better vantage point form up here. I took ammo from the desk and reloaded my gun again. I positioned myself at the window and shot at the walkers that were getting in from the holes in the fences. I spotted the last few people from the Governer’s group in the courtyard and shot at them. I heard the door open and whipped around with my gun aimed. Alex appeared and stood beside me, firing at the soldiers and walkers. I spotted my Dad down at the field, he was giving all his energy into fighting off the Governer. I sent the last bullet flying into the governer’s arm. He winced and rolled off my Dad as Michonne stabbed him with her katana. The rest of his men were still out there though and we were both out of ammo. The bus with the rest of our group drove off. “Now what are we gonna do?!”, I said angrily. “We’ll get out of here, we just need to wait until that tank runs out of ammo then we make a run for it”, He says. The gunshots haunt me and I fall down against the desk. Alex continues to watch the battle happening below. “Bree, we need to run now!”, Alex says. He grabs his gun and we run down to the courtyard. We shove the butt of our rifles into the walkers heads. I pick up my bag on the way and lsing it over my back. The tank has smoke coming from it and we run towards the forest as the walkers begin to take over the prison.

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