Chapter 8 - Back In Town

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Hours later and we’re still driving along the clogged up highway. On our way we had shortned our convoy to just the RV, my truck, Carol’s cherokee and Daryl’s motorcycle. I was in my truck on my own now. Daryl tried to find a way for us to get through the abandoned vehicles. We were near my families home. I sat in my car, waiting for the RV to move. I got tired of sitting there so I hopped out. I clambered into the RV. “Bree?”, Dale exclaimed. “I have an idea that may or may not be smart”, I say. Dale raises an eyebrow. “You shouldn’t tell me, tell your Dad.” I go over to the cherokee and my Mom rolls down a window. “I think we should stop in our town for the night, at least we know we have shelter there and supplies”, I suggest. My Mom turns to  my Dad to make a decision. “I don’t see why not, tell Dale and Daryl”, He answers. “Will do”, I say. “But we should stop to rest for a nap though, just in case we have to clear out walkers. We need to be energised”, Mom yawns. I jog up to Daryl who is sitting on his bike. “We’re going to take a break, we’re going to my town after”, I explain. “Alright, I’ll join you in your truck then”, He smirks. I mirror his smirk and run back to the RV. “Dale, take a break, we’re going to be going to Kings County after”, I call. I swing up onto my seat in my truck and rest my eyes for a moment. I hear Daryl get in but I stay in a semi sleeping state.


Alex’s eyes stared into mine as I dressed. “I got a letter off Erik today”, He reveals. His body language indicated he was stressed. He was stressed a lot lately. Between Erik trying to persuade him to continue working in the drug trade and trying to avoid the police, he was a ball of nerves. I had to hand it to him, he had changed for the better. But, his past crimes and mistakes weighed heavily on his mind, I could tell. “What did it say?”, I question. “He said that he’s getting out earlier than expected. And when he comes out he’s going to continue the deals, he also mentioned you”, Alex says. “Me?”, I ask. “He said that he’s coming back for you”, Alex says through gritted teeth. I shivered at the thought of seeing Erik again. I didn’t want him to screw my life up again, I’m only starting to get back on track. “I don’t want him back, he fucking abused me”, I spit. “He’s not sane Bree, I think we all know that. He practically raised me since I was 15, turned me into a mini version of him. I’ve seen the things he’s capable of and I know we won’t be safe once he finds out about us.” He takes the letter from his bedside table and scrunches into a ball repeatedly. “Does Shae know?”, I ask sadly. Shae was Erik’s younger sister. She knew that her brother was pure evil. I’m pretty sure she hates him more than me. Shae was my best friend, she wasn’t like the est in our circle. She was similar to myself, she had been through Erik’s tricks and knew that he wasn’t the innocent business man he made himself out to be. “I was going to tell her at dinner”. We were meeting Shae and her boyfriend, Theo, for dinner to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. It was odd the way my friends and boyfriend were years older than me. I was the baby of the group, Shae was twenty, theo was twenty six and Alex was twenty two.

“How do you think she’ll take it?”, Alex asks. “Not well, she hates Erik more than we do combined”, I say.

I put on a black peplum dress that hugs my curves perfectly. I slip on a pair of white heels that feel like stilts. “Are going to lay there with noting on but boxers or are you gonna get up and get dressed?”, I ask sarcastically.


The room was buzzing with a positive athmosphere.  It was only a matter of time before that would change. Alex clasped his strong hand in mine. “I received a letter today, from Erik”, Alex announces. Shae drops her fork loudly on her plate. She listened to every word intently. “He said he’s going to be getting out a lot earlier than planned”, Alex says awkwardly. “But he got a fifteen year sentence, he didn’t even plead guilty?!”, Theo said, his face crumpled in confusion. Shae’s hazel eyes filled with despair. “When do they think he’ll be released?”, Shae manages to choke out. “Thirty six months maximum”, Alex says. I could tell he didn’t want to break the news to Shae. We all knew that she became herself again when Erik was behind bars. “I think we all know what he’s able to do. He has a lot of men that are probably keeping an eye on all of us right now, we need to prepare ourselves”, Alex declares. “I’m with you on that, If Eric found out that Shae gave information on his deals then we’d all be in deep shit”, Theo agrees. “Is there any way that we can just get him to leave us all alone?”, I ask. Alex ponders for a moment. “There’s only one way, we kill him”.


My eyes fly open and I breathe heavily. I didn’t want to relive that night. It changed my life, that was the night I decided to join the army. A few days later Alex was arrested for being caught with an assualt weapon. He got five years in jail. The day he was shipped off to jail, I joined the army and threw myself into training with a vengeance. Shae stayed in Kings County with Theo. I presume they just lived in fear of whenever Erik was to be released.

I rolled out of the car and closed the door. I was on my way to the RV when I heard the gutteral moan come from behind me. I whirled around gun in hand. I made sure the silencer was on properly. I backed up as the walker stretched out it’s decayed hands. I tripped over something and was on the ground, laying limp in shock as the walker pounced on me. I aimed for it’s forehead just as it’s mouth began to prepare for it’s next meal. I shot it right between the eyes. It’s blood splattered onto my t-shirt. I groaned in frustration as it fell on top of me. I pushed it off with all of my strength. I ran to the RV and told Dale we were going in a few minutes. I went over to the cherokee. “Bree! Are you alright?”, Carol asked with worried look in her eyes. “I’m fine, it was just one walker”, I shrug. Carol looked relieved, I knew how she felt. She didn’t want anyone else to die in the group. “Can you tell my Mom and Dad that we’re going in a few minutes?”, I ask politely. She nods with a smile. “Thanks”, I reply. I jog back to the truck where Daryl is stirring in his sleep. I drive up onto the grass and drive up to the cherokee. My Dad motions for me to lead us to the town. Part of me was excited to return to my old home. I had hope growing in me that it would be safe for us to stay in for a while. I knew that we would have to keep moving though for various reasons such as herds passing through, lack of supplies and the lack of safety. Our convoy moved along the highway as we zig zagged between the abandoned vehicles. I spotted a gas station ahead. We could do with a little top up. I turned in and parked the car. The place looked deserted with not a walker or person inside. Daryl was awake now. “Mornin’ sleepy head”, I greeted with a smile. He stretched out and groaned as he did so. “Can you fill up the tank, I need to change”, I said motioning to my blood soaked t-shirt. He nodded sleepily. I grabbed my bag and hopped out of the truck. I kept my gun in hand in case there were any stray lurking biters. I kicked the door open and scanned the room. The place was pretty much untouched, apart from the empty cash register. The rotting smell of the deli made me cover my nose. I went into the bathroom, not before checking to see if it was safe. I closed the door and quickly changed out of my bloody clothes. I put on a pair of light grey jeans and a khaki t-shirt. I walk out and put a few cans of food in my bag from the shelves. I walk back outside and everyone is ready to move on.

We then drove on for another fifteen minutes or so. The town came into view and my heartbeat quickened. Bodies littered the side walk. We stopped and all got out. “We should search for some supplies, our house isn’t too far from here”, My Dad announces. I take an empty bag from my car and sling it over my shoudler. I keep my gun in my hand for any walkers that might be around. I turn onto the main street when I hear a gun shot. 

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