Chapter 5 - Alive and Well

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It all happened so suddenly. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. We were both broken inside and were trying to heal together.

“It’s getting dark”. He turns to me with a look of terror on his face. “We didn’t go huntin’, aw shit”. I take out my trench knife. “Let’s hunt then”, I say. He helps me up and we walk back down the mountain. “You go back to camp, I’ll see you later”, He says. I walk up to him and bring my lips to his for a split second. “Okay”, I whisper. He smirks at me as I walk off. When I get back to camp everyone is sitting at the campfire making dinner. Mom and Shane are nowhere in sight, what a surprise. I go over to my tent and grab a grey cardigan. I put it on and feel much warmer. As the sun is about to set, I hear an alarm in the distance. I grab my AK47 and run towards the entrance to camp. The noise of the alram will attract walkers. I see a red sports car tearing through the bends in the road. “What the hell”, I mutter. I raise my gun as the car stops. Glenn gets out. “Turn the damn thing off, Glenn!” He fumbles around at the electrics, as the alarm blares. “I don’t know how!”, He replies. Amy runs over and demands to know where Andrea is. I shove her out of the way and clamber into the car. I raise my gun and shoot at the electrics. Jim, a former mechancic, runs over. He fiddles with the car and eventually gets the alarm to stop. “Why is Andrea not with you?!”, Amy shouts. Glenn raises his eyebrows. “She’s fine, everybody is fine...well with the exception of Merle”, He mumbles. What did he mean ‘With the exception of Merle’, If Merle was dead then Daryl would shut down completely. I couldn’t let that happen. We all walked back to camp. A van appraoched and Amy ran eagerly towards it. Andrea, T-Dogg, Jacqui and Morales got out. Carl was getting teary eyed as he saw everyone reuniting with their families. I leaned down. “Don’t cry”, I said. I pulled him into my arms and Mom came over and joined in our hug. “I miss him”, He cries. “We all do, Honey”, Mom says sadly. “If it wasn’t for the new guy then we wouldn’t of made it out of Atlanta alive!”, Glenn says. I stood up again. “New guy?”, I question. “Yeah, he’s a police officer like Shane”, He says with a grin. My Dad was a police officer, maybe this new guy knew my Dad. A tall figure got out of the van. I had to rub my eyes to check if I was dreaming. “Is this real?”, I gasp. My Mom lets out a cry from beside me. Carl runs towards the figure. Shane stares at the Man. This isn’t no ordinairy man, It’s my Dad. But my Dad is dead? “DAD!”, Carl shouts. Carl runs up and Dad lifts him up and holds him tightly. I walk up slowly as I feel tears prick my eyes. “You’re alive!” He wraps his arms around me and I feel my body convulse with sobs. Mom kisses him and envelopes him in her arms. I can’t believe it. I thought he was dead. Shane said he was dead.

Later on, we are all sitting around the campfire. Dad is telling us all about how he woke up in the hospital. Ed is sulking again, he really needs a reality check.

Daryl still isn’t back from hunting and it’s almost midnight. I hope he’s alright out there. Daryl will be heartbroken when he comes back and hears his brother is still in Atlanta. “We’re going to have a problem on our hands when Daryl comes back from his hunt”, Dale says solemnly. “Merle was out of control, it’s his own fault he’s handcuffed to the roof”, Andrea spits. I had to agree that Merle was out of control, but he didn’t deserve to be left for dead. “I’ll tell him”, My Dad volunteers. “So will I”, T-Dogg says. “No, I will”, I object. “Bree should tell him, she’s closest to him”, Dale says fairly. A few people stare at me, probably thinking that Daryl and I are an ‘item’.  Everyone goes to their tents. I give my Dad a hug before he goes to his and Mom’s tent. “I’m glad you’re safe”, He says. “I’m glad you’re alive”, I say with a smile. He kisses me on the forehead and he returns to his tent. I walk over to my tent and as soon as I get into my sleeping bag, sleep overcomes me.

I wake to the noise of metal slamming against metal, it sounded like they were taking the sports car apart. I took a swig out of my water bottle before getting out of my sleeping bag. I changed into a green long sleeved top and black denim shorts. I put on my boots and tie them tightly. I take my trench knife with me just in case. The second I exit my tent, commotion unfolds. “MOM!”, Sophia screams. Everyone grabs weapons and run towards the screaming. Carl, Sophia and Jacqi run out unscathed. I still run, looking for the cause of their screams. A lone walker devours a deer with arrows pierced through it’s back. Daryl must be close by! I wait for everyone else to get here to help me take down the walker. It hasn’t noticed me yet. Shane, My Dad and Glenn ran past me and lunged at the walker. They beat it to the ground but it was still alive. Why would they just beat it? Kill it for petes sake. A rustle came from the trees and an arrow flew threw the air and landed in the walkers neck. The men stepped back from the walker as it’s head still moved around. Daryl stabbed it with the arrow in the eye. “God people, you gotta get in the brain. Don’t ya’ll know nothin?!” Daryl shook his head angrily as he turned to the deer carcass.  He stomped back to camp. “Daryl!”, I called. He kept on going. “I need to talk to you!”, I cried. He turned around and walked backwards for a moment. “I just need to get these squirells to Merle”, He says motioning to the squirrels attatched to his belt. “He ain’t here, Daryl!”, I say as he turns. He stops in his tracks. “What do you mean, Bree?”, He asks, his blue eyes turning icy. “There was a problem in Atlanta”, Shane interjects. “Your brother was a danger to us all, something had to be done”. My Dad steps up towards Daryl. “Who the hell are you?!”, Daryl hisses. “I’m Rick Grimes”, Dad says. “Well, Rick Grimes, You got somethin’ to tell me?!”, Daryl snaps. The anger literally poured out of him and I could tell there was going to be no way of calming him down when he found out about Merle. “I handcuffed him to the roof, he’s still there”, My Dad says. Daryl stomps towards him shaking his head angrily. “Let me process this, you handcuffed my brotha’ to a roof, and you left him there!”, He shouts. “I had the key, I dropped it down the drain”, T-dogg says shamefully. Dad nods slowly. Daryl swings the squirrels towards Dad and Shane and lunges for my Dad. They punch each other and tackle each other towards the ground, Shane interferes and this is when I step in. My Dad locks his hands around Daryl’s neck. “Dad, let him go!”, I shout. I claw at my Dad’s hands and he has a firm grip on his neck. “Choke holdings illegal!”, Daryl spits. “Maybe you can file a complaint”, Shane says snarkily. I stare at Shane as he pushes Daryl to the ground as my Dad lets him go. I run over to Daryl and help him up. He nods in thanks. “To hell with all ya’ll!”, he screams as tears for in his crystal clear eyes. I grab his arm and he sobs into my shoulder. “We’re gonna get you’re brother back”, I say soothingly. “Just tell me where he is, I’ll go get him”, Daryl shouts at my Dad. “I’ll go with you, I left a bag of guns and ammuntition there”, Dad says. “I’m in too”, T-Dogg announces. “Glenn, we could use your knowledge of the city”, Dad says. I think it was a bit too much to ask. Merle Dixon wasn’t a four man job. “Is it really necessary for four people to go, what if more walkers find us?”, I say. “The lets hope they don’t”, Dad says. “But what if they do”, I challenge. Dad gives me a cold stare and I let it go. Mom shakes her head at Dad disapprovingly. “She’s right”. I look over to my Mom. She sighs loudly and retreats to the RV. “I can’t believe ya’ll are putting your lives on the line for a dickhead like Merle Dixon”, Shane says harshly. Daryl walks over to his truck as the rest go to the van. He’s cleaning his arrows before he goes to the city. I lean agaisnt the door frame. “I’m sorry about my Dad”, I sigh. He doesn’t even look up at me. “It’s not your fault, Bree”, He says. He puts his arrows in their sheath and he takes my hand. I make sure no one is looking. I lean in quickly and kiss him with all of my passion. “Daryl! We’re leaving!”, T-Dogg calls. I pull back and he smiles at me. “I’ll be back later”, He says. “Stay safe, Daryl”, I say. “Don’t I always”, He smirks.

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