Chapter 21 - Hotelier

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I’m being shaken wildly. I open my eyes and Alex is standing there with his sword out. “What’s going on?”, I ask. I am answered by the noise of moaning coming from downstairs. “We need to go, now”, He whispers. I get my footing and throw my bag on my back. My ankle hurts as I try to walk on it but I needed to get out of here quickly. I took out my machte and left it hanging by my side as Alex opened the window. I could see the hordes of walkers surrounding the house. “Alex, there’s too many!”, I whisper shouted. “I’ll distract them. You jump down and just keep running, I’ll find you”, He says, searching the room for things to distract the walkers. He opens the wardrobe and pulls out a bag of fireworks. I begin to climb out of the window as Alex assembles a rocket at the other window. I throw my bag onto the side of the house and begin to crawl across the roof. I hear the crackle of the firework beginning ot burn and I launch myslef onto the grass below. I reach up and pick up my bag. My ankle throbs in pain but I force myself to run through the gardens away from the herd gathering at the other end of the street. I hear the bangs of the firework and I look back to see Alex jumping from the window. I wait, hidden behind a bush. He runs away quick enough for the walkers not to notice him. I stand up and run in the same direction. We were running, but we didn’t know where we were going to end up.

The sun begins to descend. We’ve been on our feet all day now and we were both in need of a rest, but the thing is we can’t rest until we find somewhere safe. That is the challenge, was there anywhere safe anymore? Would we ever find someplace we could stay for longer than a night? Could we find any survivors from the prison? These were the questions that kept running through my mind as I ran. The leaves were crunching under my feet. “You see that, up there?”, Alex says breathlessly. He points to a large building with a spire on top. It was palatial. The shine of the windows made my eyes squint. Right before my eyes, the door opened and a man in a suit with a stream of bodyguards came out. We walked up and the man stopped us with his hands. “Drop your weapons!”, He called. I put my machete down on the ground and put my hands up. Alex thre his sword down in front of him. “My my, you bot look absolutely famished!”, The man squawked. “Tell Miriam we have new guests!”, The man called to a bodyguard. “Yes sir”, The bodyguard repsonded.  The bodyguard ran in and closed the door behind him. “Come in! You both look like you need a good rest and some clean clothes!”, The Man says with a clap of his hands. “Follow me!”, The man beamed. We picked up our weapons and followed the man in. The doors shut with a bang behind us and were locked with a huge padlock. We followed the man into a lobby. This place must have been a hotel. There were dozens of people walking around in fine outfits with hair and make up perfectly done. I felt out of place with my blood staned clothes and brusied skin. The looked at me with pity but others seemed to eye me hungrily like a turkey at thanksgiving. We were lead into an office and the bodyguards left. The man sat down in a shiny leather chair behind a desk. “Please, sit!”, He ordered. We sat down on the office chairs in front of the desk. “I’m Sebastian Delacourt, Myself and my family run this place”, He says while pouring a drink for us. “Do you usually take people in?”, Alex asks. “Yes, we take whoever we come across”, He says. I couldn’t bring myself to trust this man. His blue velvet suit and perfectly styled hair was too perfect, something was up. “We do business with other groups around here, supplies and such”, He explains. “So you just stay in the hotel all day? How do you deal with the walkers?”, I ask curiously. “We keep safe here. We’re self sufficent and we have enough food and supplies to last us at least another year. The zombies don’t get in here simply because we have this hotel on strict lockdown. The members of our group are each given a room” He says simply. He takes a swig of his drink. “How do you keep everyone in line, how has chaos not broken out?”, Alex questions. “We have three simple rules. Do your part, don’t go past floor number seven and don’t go outside”, He says with a grin. “Why can’t they go past floor seven?”, I ask. “It’s where the supplies are kept, we can’t have everyone going in there taking what they want!”, He exclaims. A knock raps on the door and it opens. “Ah Miriam!”, Sebastian says with a grin. “These are the newcomers?”, A woman in a white pantsuit asks. Her silver hair falls in a delicate curtain to just abover her chin. “Yes! I don’t believe I got your names?”,  he says. “I’m Bree”, I say. “I’m Alex”, Alex says. “Get them a room Miriam!”, He orders. The woman looks at us with her icy eyes and turns on her heel. “I think you will both settle in well here”.

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