Chapter 14 - Ticking Timebomb

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I flew forwards as the pangs of pain return. They’re even worse than before. It was early in the morning and no one else was awake. I held onto the bed as another wave of pain came. It made me grit my teeth as I attempted to move from my bed. My belly was hard to touch as I tried to rub my hand in circles to make sure the baby was calm. This pain wasn’t ordinairy pre-contraction pains, they were labor pains. Water bagan to flood out of me and onto the floor. “Shit!”, I cried. I knew that if I didn’t call someone to help me then I would be doing this on my own. “Mom!”, I shouted. I felt another wave of pain rush through my belly. My baby kicked as if it was trying to tear through my skin. I pulled myself off the bed and hobbled into the common room. I went up to the perch where Daryl was in a slumber. I knew I had to wake him. I held on tightly to the hand rail as I tapped his shoulder. His eyes flew open. “The baby is coming Daryl”, I whimpered. He gets up from his matress and takes my hand as we descend down the stairs. “It’s too ealry for the baby to be born”, I say as Daryl sits me down. “The baby will be fine”, He says firmly. He goes into my Mom and Carl’s cell and wakes my Mom up. another contraction hits me and I almost fly off the chair. My Mom hurries over and kneels down beside me. “Did your waters break?”, she asks with concern  in her eyes. I nodded. “Daryl, get everyone awake. Get supplies and get a cell ready.” Daryl looks overwhelmed by it all. I couldn’t blame him, he’ll probably be a single parent at the end of the day. I was a ticking time bomb and my hours were limited.

“I’m gonna die”, I said to myself. My Mom grabbed towels and blankets along with a pillow. “We’re going to move you into one of the empty cells”, She says. Everyone was awake now due to the commotion. Theo, Daryl and my Dad carried me into the cell. I was propped up with a pillow behind my back for comfort. I couldn’t fell comfortable knowing I was about to die. i was prepared to die for my baby to be born. My child must live regardless of the circumstances. Hershel came in and rushed around the room getting all the supplies ready. I could feel the baby starting to move down further into my belly. My Mom holds onto my hand. “You need to kill me, before I turn”, I whisper. “You are going to live Bree. I’m not going to let that happen, baby girl”, She say with tears building up in her cerulean eyes. “I don’t think I can make it through this, Mom”, I admitted. “You are so brave and strong. We have a bond that nothing on this planet can break. I’ll help you get through this”. Her eyes were overflowing with tears. My Mom helps me take off my pants so that she can examine me. “She’s almost fully dilated already”, My Mom announces. Carol comes in and makes sure that we have all the materials ready. “You have to start pushing now, my sweet girl”, My Mom says. Fear rushed through my veins. I had minutes left. Hershel’s eyes widened. I saw teh red liquid travel down my thighs at an alarming rate. “She needs to push now!”, Hershel booms. The pain is undescribable. I  shout at the top of my lungs as I feel my baby passing through my body. I throw my head backwards as I push again. This time it doesn’t hurt as much. My Mom has her hands ready to catch the baby. My head thumped as I began to push. I watched as the blood began to seep into the covers. “One last push Bree!”, Carol encouraged. The pain was shotting all around my body and I knew this was the end. I had 10 seconds on my clock. I pushed my chin down and took a deep breath. I psuhed down with so much force I thought I would explode.My clock was running out. One, two, three, four, five, six, sev-. Wait, what was happening? My vision was blurred slightly. I lifted my head up and felt the pressure relieve itself. I felt the slow trickle of blood between my legs. “We need to stop the bleeding!”, Carol yelled. I was in a daze. My clock had frozen. My Mom was sitting beside me with a bundle in her arms. I moved the blanket out of the bundles face. It was my baby. The blue eyes latched onto mine and didn’t break the stare. “We’re alive”, I gasped. I put my hand out and the baby held onto my pinky. I then looked down at my legs. The bleeding had finally stopped. Daryl rushed in looking terribly worried. “Are they both okay?”, Daryl asks Hershel. “Your daughter is healthy, Bree lost a lot of blood but she should be alright”, Hershel says. My Mom hands me my daugter. She is so small and delicate. I’m afraid that if I so much as even touch her that she’ll shatter into pieces. “I didn’t think I was going to be able to meet her”, I said, I wiped away the single tear that escaped my eye. Daryl sat on the edge of the bed. “She has your eyes”, I say to him. She squrims in my arms. Daryl reached out to hold her. I gladly passed her over. He had the biggest smile on his face. The baby cooed softly as Daryl kissed her on the forehead. I could see the tears welling in his eyes. My Dad comes in and takes one look at this grand daughter. “I’m going to clear out this whole building, I’ll be back soon”. He leaves without a second word.

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