Chapter 12 - Round and Round

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Around 7 months later:

We’ve been on the run for a little over seven months now. It’s tired me out, all this moving made me feel so weak and stressed. I’m beginning to worry that I’ll end up giving birth in the car or in a ditch at the side of the road.

I sat in the car with my Mom by my side. She could tell I was worried. I watch with an eager eye as Dad, Daryl, T-Dog and Carl kick in the door to the house across from the car. I hope that we can stop here for at least a night. I had enough trouble sleeping as it is. The baby kicks as Carl motions for us to come inside. My Mom helps me climb out of the car safely. We walk into the rubbish filled home. I almost collapse onto the wooden floor. I lean my head against the wall and watch as Carl opens a tin of dog food. My Baby needed food to grow, as much as I disliked the idea of eating dog food, I needed to build up strength.

I rub my belly as the baby kicks violently, as if trying to escape.

My Dad yanks the can from Carl and throws it into the fireplace. We jump at the noise. T-Dogg whistles and cocks his head to the side. Walkers were coming towards the house. Beth and my Mom help me up and we run to the car. Time to move on again.

My Dad and the rest of the men hunch over a map trying to deside where to go next. I was sick of moving around at this stage. I don’t know how much more I can take. I opened the door to breathe in the fresh air. “We’ll find somewhere to camp tonight, I promise”, Beth says cheerfully. Beth helped me keep my spirits up during the day when we were moving around. She was Maggie’s sister and Hershel’s daughter. “I hope so”, I sigh. She goes back to watching for walkers. Shae sat beside me. “We’re circling back towards Greenville”, She informs me. “We already picked through there”, I sigh. I’m too tired for arguing now. “We’re stopping for a little while, have a rest”, She says with a smile. I nod and rest my eyes for a few minutes. I open my eyes to see Daryl, Theo and my Dad coming back from the woods. “We found somewhere”, My Dad announces. I felt the relief rush through me.

I stand at the prison fence with a crow bar in hand. I holler for the walkres to come over to me. I stab them each in the head when they claw at the metal links in the fence.

I observe as my Dad closes the interior gate. Now all we had to do was pick off the remaining walkers in the prison field. I whipped out my hand gun and began to fire. I aimed accurately each time, this was one thing pregnancy didn’t slow me down on. I couldn’t help but grin as I walked through the gate. As I walk through the gate, Daryl stops me. “You okay?”, He asks with concern written all over his handsome face. “Haven’t felt this good in months”, I beam. He aids me through the gate.

It’s nightime now. I snuggle into my Mom and Carl as we tuck into supper. The baby had quite the apetite tonight. “Just like Mom used to make”, Glenn chirped as he finished off his supper. “I hope there are beds in there”, I say as I rub my sore back. “There will be plenty, don’t you worry”, Mom says with a smile. “Beth, Sing a song for us all?”, Hershel asks. Beth had a lovely singing voice. I think I’ll have to hire her as my personal lullaby singer once the baby is born. “Non ones wants to hear”, She says uncomfortably. “I want to hear”, I encouraged. She began to sing and I felt so relaxed. I rubbed my belly affectionately as he/she kicked. She finished singing and I sent her a calm glance. “The baby likes your singing”, I say with a smile. “I’ll be able to sing it for the baby”, She beams. I look around and spot Daryl and Carol on top of a car. I couldn’t help but feel jealous as she moved closer to him. She better not go any closer. My hormones were out of wack at the moment and if she flirted with him, God knows what I’d do.

My Dad, Carol and Daryl come over to the campfire. Daryl sits beside me and puts an arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder, sleep threatening to overcome me. “I know you’re all tired but we need to take over the interior tomorrow, bet it’s a gold mine in there”, My Dad announces. “You reckon an armoury will be in there?”, Daryl asks. “I think so, we’ve got to kill every godamned walker in there. The assholes don’t stand a chance against us!”, My Dad says confidently.

The second my Dad announces that it’s safe to go in the cell block I almost cry tears of happiness. I plonk down on a bed and rest my back.I hear my Dad saying that we’re going to venture in further soon. I quickly change out of my dirty clothes. I put on a khaki green t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. I took my gun with me as I walked over to my Dad. He;s preparing to go deeper into the prison. “You aren’t coming, Bree”, He says firmly. “Fine”, I huff. I knew he was right, I shouldn’t be over exerting myself when the baby was going to be here in just short of two months.

I stay in the cell block with nothing but my thoughts to occupy me.

The group comes back with Hershel on a make shift gurney. I see the wide gash on his calf and wince. They were going to have to amputate it. I don’t think I have the stomach to watch. Hershel would make it through this, I knew he would. A group of men in prison jumpsuits stream in. Two people catch my eye. I feel the horror build up in me. How could they be here? Why here of all prisons in the state?

Erik and Alex locked their eyes on me. Alex ran towards me and Daryl stops him. “Don’t go near her!”, He hisses. “Daryl, It’s okay. He won’t hurt me”, I say nervously. I give Alex an awkward hug and his eyes bounce out of their sockets when they meet my swollen belly. He steps back and stares at me in disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re alive”, He gasps. “You really think I’d go down with a fight?”, I say sarcastically. I notice the cold stare coming from the other side of the room. Erik’s beady green eyes bore into every inch of my body. Theo and Shae walk out from their cell. “Holy shit!”, They say in unison. “Sis!”, Erik calls. Disgust grew on Shae’s face. “Fancy seeing you here”, She says meekly. This was beyond awkward. “Alex!”, Theo gasps. He comes over and envelopes Alex in a man hug. I heard Hershel yell in agony from the cell. It made my blood curdle. There was so much happening right now. I couldn’t take it. Erik’s eyes followed me as I went over to Beth. “He’s gonna be alright!”, I say to her. She cries uncontrollably. “We can’t lose him”, She cries. “We won’t”, I say adamantly. I could tell she wanted to be left alone. I went over to my Dad. I could tell he put the pieces together. “Is this the mysterous ex-boyfriend that bought you a car?”, My Dad questions. “Yeah”, I say awkwardly. “Nothin’ will ever cease to amaze me nowadays”, He sighs.

I wake up feeling more energised than ever. I rouse myself out of the bed and try to get changed. I put on an oversized Ramones t-shirt and khaki pants. I attmept to tie my laces but my belly prevents me from doing so. I groan in frustration. I find another pair of tan slouchy boots and slip them on. I walk out of the cell and find everyone is sitting down at the table. The remaining prisoners, Alex, Erik, Axel and Oscar are there too. Yesterday my Dad tried to teach them how to kill walkers. One prisoner got bitten and was savagely killed by Tomas, Their ‘leader’. One of the other prisoners was chased out of the prison by my Dad.

Everyone notices me and my Dad stands up. “I need to talk to you”, He says urgently. “About?”, I question. “The prisoners”, He says. He leads me to the hall. Shae and Theo follow us. “I understand that you all know two of those guys”, My Dad states. “Yes, Erik is my brother”, Shae says with an annoyed expression. “Do you think either of them pose a thraet to us or harm us in any way?”, He asks. “Alex wouldn’t go near us, if anything he could help us”, Theo says. “What about Erik?”, My Dad asks. “He’s not sane”, I reveal. “I wouldn’t trust him around the baby or Carl. Hell, I wouldn’t trust him with anyone out there!”, Theo fumes. “Shae, he’s your brother. You know him best”, My Dad says. “He has got combat skills, that could either be a good thing or a bad thing”, She says with a shrug. “So the plan is that we’ll integrate Alex into the group. I was thinking we could keep a guard on Erik for now and see how it goes”. I wasn’t going to be exactly jumping for joy that Erik was going to be in our group now. I knew people would protect me against him if he got up to his old ways. We walk back to the cell block. “We’ve come to the decision that Alex and Erik will be joining our group. Erik will have a guard at all times. As for Axel and Oscar, you’ll be given supplies and allowed to leave”.

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