Chapter 26 - Rescuers

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Hours pass and I hear the people in the slaughterhouse pleading not to be killed. That was going to me and Alex soon. Gareth walked passed with a notebook and knife in hand. "Hows it hanging?", He jeers. "Fuck you", I hiss. His eyebrows furrow into a frown and he unlocks the cell door. He raises his knife as he comes over to me. "What'd you just say?", He asks. "Fuck you!", I repeat. He begins to slide his knife down my arms, the pain is indescribable. My blood drips down onto the floor heavily. "What th hell is wrong with you?!", Alex hisses to Gareth. He brings his knife up to his thigh and slides it down, causing Alex to whimper. Gareth turns his attention back to me. He puts pressure on to knife handle down onto my thigh and I bite my lip to stop myself from crying out. But its too much, I let out a scream as he begins to press it in deeper. He takes it off my thigh and puts it back in his pocket. He walks off with a satisified grin. I struggle to catch my breath as the pain spreads, no doubt my wounds would get infected. "We're gonna die", I whisper to myself. Our blood was dripping out heavily and I couldn't bring myslef to look at the wounds. I was numb now, everywhere.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard an explosion come from outside. I hear walkers moans coming from outside and more explosions and blood curdling screams. "Help us, please!", Alex shouts. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy as he continued to shout for help. There was no use, they weren't going to save us. I heard a commotion coming from the slaughterhouse that was only down the hall. I could feel my blood literally pour out of my body, if the terminites didn't kill me...blood loss will. "Please!", Alex whimpered loudly. I heard rapid footsteps come towards us. My eyes were too heavy to open them properly but I could still only see red, all over myself. "Get them down, quick!", I hear a familiar voice yell. I feel the chains fall and I am suspended in someones arms. I see Alex being cut down and he is being held up by someone. "You'll be alright sweetheart", I hear the familiar voice say. I lift my eyelids up and finally register the face. It was my Dad! He was here! "Dad", I whimpered weakly. "We're going to get you somewhere safe!", He said. "I'm dying, Dad", I cried. My Dad broke out into a run, i realised we were outside now. I looked at my Dad's arms, they were covered in blood, my blood. I saw Bob, Glenn and Daryl fighting off the walkers as Theo held up Alex. My Dad lifted one arm up and sliced off a walkers head with his long blade. He continued running and he stopped at a train car. Daryl and Glenn opened it and new and familiar faces spilled out. Carl ran up to me and My Dad. He helped my Dad fight off the walkers since my Dad was carrying me with one hand and fighting off walkers with the other. I rest my head agaisnt my Dad's shoulder. My Dad ran through a hole in the fence and into the forest that surrounded Terminus. The rest of our group was running too. "We need to stop!", My Dad announced. He let me down gently against a tree and began to wrap my arms and thigh in bandages. Maggie runs over and helps him stop the bleeding. Daryl looks on looking absolutely horrified. They do the same to Alex. We were both in such a bad state that everyone in the group was too shocked to do anything but help us stop bleeding. Everyone turns to the fence as Carol appears. I can just about make her out as my eyes begin to squint from lack of sleep. My Dad rises and walks over to her slowly. "Did you do that?", He asks, motioning to the burning Terminus. She nods. He embraces her tightly. "Because of you, my Daughter is still alive", My Dad chokes out. I surveyed the group and realised two very important people were missing, Maya and Beth. "Is Maya with Beth?", I asked hopefully. Carol shakes her head. "Shes at the cabin, with Tyreese", She says. I hold onto a branch and try to rise to my feet, failing and resulting in collapsing to the ground. Daryl runs over and scoops me up in his arms. "You need to take it easy, you're too weak", He says soothingly. "I need to see her", I whimper. "You will", He whispers. Theo rushed to help Alex up. We were both too weak to function properly and we were going to be recovering for a while. My Dad picks up a bag filled with weapons and we continue walking. I see a cabin and Daryl must see it too because he breaks into a run. My vision was still cloudy but I could see the outline of Tyreese with abundle in his arms. I jump out of Daryl's arms and ignore the pain in my legs as I hobble over to my daugther. I hold her in my arms tightly, not wanting to let her go. Daryl hugs us with his toned arms. I could hear myself whimpering as I saw Maya's perfect blue eyes open. I slowly felt my legs begin to buckle nad Daryl caught Maya just in time. I felt my head hit the ground and I could hear echoing voices as people rushed over. The darkness appeared again and all the torture I've been through the past week appeared in my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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