Chapter 25 - Hanging On

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The door opens and I stay frozen, afraid to move. The bruises and scars on my body weren’t the ones that hurt the most....what hurt most is how I’m feeling inside. Alex is slumped over at the toher side of the room with bruises blooming on every visible part of his body. I looked at my own body and saw nothing but marks left from the guards, bruises, scratches, scars. I feel the chains go around my ankles and my hands. I’m dragged up off the floor carelessly and shoved along the ground, forcing me to walk. My legs were too numb to make a single step. “Move it!”, The guard hissed. Alex was hobbling weakly alongside me. We were lead into  the elevator. We were moving slowly downwards. Then the bell pinged and the doors opened. We must be in the lobby now. I was shoved along again towards the abck of the building, down the hallways. A door opened and the cold winter air hit me full on. The light shone into my eyes and I squinted. I heard the engine of a truck hum as I was thrown into the backseat with Alex. “Tell Gareth not to go easy on these too”, The guard said to the men in the front seats. “I can assure you that he won’t handle these two like the others”, The man in the driverseat laughed manically. I cowered backwards into the seat, fearing what was in store for us at Terminus.

The countryside rolled by as I dreaded our arrival. A train station came into view and the truck frove right in through the gates. We stopped at the back of a storage building. The doors opened and we were pulled out our seats. I was too weak to even attempt resisting them. We were lead in through a series of corridors. I could hear the screaching of chainsaws coming from closeby. We were placed in a room that was similar to a cell but without the beds. The small window with bars on it reminded me fo the prison. They closed the metal bar door and we were left suffering from the pain. “Alex, what are we gonna do?”, I whimper weakly. “We can’t do anything”, He groans as he tries to sit up. his bruising has gotten worse. I was covered in my own blood and I was aching from every part of my battered body. I saw chains hanging from the ceiling. I couldn’t bear to even think of what they were for.

About an hour passes until a man in his mind twenties opens our cell door and steps in. “I’m Gareth. I think we have some explaining to do”, He says. I stay crouched in the corner, avoiding eye contact. “You’re here for one reason only, you’re the cattle and I’m the butcher”. What the hell is he on about? Does that mean he’s basically going to slaughter us? “That means you’re going to be supplying us with food”, He say with a sick smile. “You’re fucking sick!”, Alex shouts. “It’s what we do to survive”, He says simply. “Alex, Albert, Mom!”, He calls. The people appear and eye us hungrily. “Help me hang them from the ceiling, It’ll make them more tender don’t ya think?”, He says with a cold laugh. I’m picked up and chains are placed around my hands and my arms are lifted above my  head. The tears fall silently from my eyes. I am then hoisted a few inches off the ground. The strain on my arms causes searing hot pain once again. They do the same to Alex and I look on painfully. “See you in a couple of days”, Gareth calls as he closes our cell door. The second he leaves I let myself sob, and by sob I mean let all the tears fall and let the pain out. This was it, I was going to die soon.

We’ve been here for two days now. It was impossible to sleep. We weren’t given any food and I could already feel some of my bones jutting out. I could feel my body slowly shutting down from the fear, stress, lack of sleep and the chains holding me upright in the air. I couldn’t bear to even move my legs now, the bruises were now turning a dark colour and I knew that I had several scratches and I might even need stitches for my jaw. I must look like one of the walkers now.

I could hear a commotion outside, gunshots and shouting. “Whats happening?”, I ask weakly. Alex lifts his head up slowly and looks out the small window. “Shooting”, He barely makes out. The shooting stops after a few minutes and we go back to being lifeless, hanging in the air.

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