Chapter 15 - Not My Kind Of Town

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We packed up the car and got ready to go. “Make sure to feed her a bottle before she goes asleep”, I remind Beth. “Sure, I’ll sing for her too”, She says with a grin.  Carl didn’t look happy to see me and Dad go. I went over to him. “Make sure you come back, all of you”. I gave him a hug and nodded. “We’ll come back”. Beth and Hershel come over. “I’ll bring them back, don’t worry”. They gave me a hug each. “You’re very brave, but don’t overdo it. You’re still not fully better”, Hershel said.  Dad motioned that it was time to go. Dad, Theo, Alex, Shae and Michonne got into the jeep and me and Daryl got on his motorbike. I put my hands around Daryl as he started the engine. Everyone in our group came out to say goodbye. I waved as we sped down the dirt road.

Dad just killed a hermit. I mean the man was going to kill us so it was a good thing right? He threw his body to the back door and I got my combat knife ready, just in case. We then ran out the front door while the biters were distracted. Daryl stayed beside me as we ran through the forest. Shae and Theo were holding hands as they tried to zig zag through the tree roots. “We’re almost there”.  She took out her Katana as we got closer.

We hunch down as we get close to the town wall. Michonne ducks away for a moment but comes back. “I found a way in”.

I loaded my gun to prepare for the impending battle. “Daryl, Theo and Bree you all go and find Glenn and Maggie. The rest of us are going to hold off the rest of the towns gunmen”, He explains. “Be careful, we don’t know who or what we’re up against yet”, He finishes. My Dad goes to teh other side of the room and talks to Michonne. “You can’t be reckless when we get out there”, Daryl says to me in a hushed tone. “I know. The thought of Maya waiting for me back at the prison will keep my alive”. Theo peeks out the window. “They have a goddamn army, Rick!”, He whisper shouts. “Bree, do you still have them grenades?”, My Dad questions. I root around in my bag and throw them to him. “We don’t have much time. We regroup at the gate as soon as you have Maggie and Glenn”. I take a shakey breath as Theo begins to open the door. Daryl shoots me a look. I take the safety off my gun as Theo runs out into the street. Daryl and I follow. The gunfire practically rains from the sky. I hear gunshots coming from the  warehouse across the street. I whistle to catch the boys attention. I point to the warehouse. I run and shoot at the same time. I duck behind a post box and reload. I notice a familiar head of blonde hair. Andrea stands at the wall with a shotgun in hand. She begins to shoot at me. Why the hell was she shooting at me?! She knows me!

I ran into a shop doorway where Daryl and Theo were fending off the Woodbury soldiers. I rooted around in my bag and found a few extra grenades. “You both need to run as soon as I throw this!”, I yell. I unpin the grenade and throw it towards the wall. I cover my ears and begin to run again. My stomach begs me to stop but I can’t . I shoot towards the wall and hope that the soldiers were all eliminated now. I follow Daryl and Theo into the warehouse. My Dad was already there with a battered Glenn and Maggie. I ran up and wrapped my arms around them. “Come on, we’re going”. Glenn stops us. “Daryl, Your brother is here”. Daryl’s jaw drops. “Where is he?”  Glenn pointed out the door. “We gotta get him, Rick “. Daryl looked worried, I couldn’t console him becasue my Dad was staring at us both. “We can’t”. I glare at my Dad. “Dad, Let him get his brother!” I wasn’t afraid to stand up to my Dad. He stomped over to me. “Don’t get involved, Bree”. He was pissing me off. Shae and Theo held me back before I could slap my Dad. We all exited the building. I stay beside Daryl and we all make a break for the wall, Shooting as we go. I get grenade from my pocket and throw it in the direction of the shooters. Daryl takes my hand and leads me to a doorway to take cover in. My Dad is having one of his episodes as he fights off a Woodbury soldier. “Is he crazy?”, I shout. I run from my hiding spot and fire at the man. My Dad is in a trance and I drag him to the doorway where Daryl is shooting at the people standing at the wall. I shoot too. Maggie and Glenn run over and Dad throws another smoke grenade towards the shooters. We move in formation along the side of the street, trying to reach the wall. I begin to shoot when I realise Daryl and Michonne are missing. “DARYL!”, I shout at the top of my voice. My Dad stares at me oddly. “You go without me, I’m looking for Daryl...and Michonne”. My Dad gives me a glare. Before he can scold me, I run into the center of town. I reload my gun as a woodbury soldier appears again. He shoots at me but I run in a zig zag motion. He loses me and I run to where I hear commotion. An arena is in front of me, packed with people. Andrea is there, she hasn’t noticed me yet. I sneak around the arena and search for Daryl. I hope he’s alright, I don’t know what i’d do if he’s dead. I feel tears wll in my eyes as I see him. “This man here, is a terrorist!”, A man with one eye shouts. I’m about to scream but a hand goes over my mouth. A tanned male drags me into the arena.  I kick and punch but he has me in a tight lock. “We need to kill these terrorists!” I feel a single tear fall as the man throws me beside Andrea and the one eyed man. I fumble for a weapon but the tanned man slaps me on the cheek. I let out a whimper. My eyes meet Daryl’s and I try to crawl to him. The tanned man kicks me in the stomach and I wince. My stomach is still not fully healed nad the pain spread like wildfire. “DARYL!”, I cry. The pain spreads throughout my body. A familiar man comes out of the shadows with a guard shoving him beside Daryl. I knew who that man was! It was Merle! “Bree!”, Daryl shouted. Tears came flooding from my eyes. “You wanted your brother Merle, now you’ve got him”, The man with one eye. I guessed he was The ‘Governer’.

The tears kept on coming as I felt the tanned man kick me again.

My weapons were taken off me and I was forced to watch Daryl and Merle fight to death. I was broken inside. I cried for him constantly. The crowd cheered as Merle punched Daryl in the jaw. “NO!”, I shouted. Merle looked at me, He recognised me from the camp. “Please stop this Philip!”, Andrea pleaded. I turned to her. “Do you know them?”, I asked her, the tears rolling down my face. She nodded. “I was in their group”, She said. “Please, make them stop!”, I begged. The Governer kicked me and I keeled over onto the ground. Some of the guards bring in walkers to their fight and I scream until my throat is raw. Daryl couldn’t die. He couldn’t.  “She’s the leaders daughter! If you hurt her then you’ll never be able to make peace!”, She yelled. “Please, I’m begging you! He’s a father he can’t die!”, I sob. Andrea’s eyes widen and before she gets the chance to speak, hell breaks lose. 

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