Chapter 9 - Scouting

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I run over to the group and I spot people on the roof, two people. “Hey stop!”, I yell up at them. “BREE!”, A familiar voice shouts. I focus on the people up on the roof. The hazel eyes, the long flowing hair. It’s Shae and Theo! “Holy shit!”, I gasp. “Get the hell down here!”, I shout. The grab their guns and disappear from the roof. “I saw you with those people before”, My Dad comments. “That’s her best friend up there, Rick!”, My Mom exclaims. “I never met any of your friends, Bree”, My Dad said. I ignore him and notice the fire door open from the building they were on top of. I run up to them both and hug them tightly. Theo lifts me up as if to see if I’m real. He spins me around and locks me in his arms. He Lets me go and I rest my shoudler on Shae’s as she is too awe stricken too function. “I can’t believe you’re alive!”, I say ecstatically. “We didn’t have a clue where you went when this whole thing started! We were going to go to Fort Benning to see if you were there!”, Theo explained. Shae was beaming now, with tears streaming down her face. “Don’t cry Shae! We’re all back together now!”, I say gleefully. “Alex isn’t here”, She says sadly. “I know, we all miss him”, I say, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Is this your group?”, Theo asks as he motions to the crowd of people. “Yeah, You know my Mom and Carl. This is my Dad, Shane, Andrea, Dale, Glenn, Daryl, Carol, and her daughter Sophia”, I say pointing to each member. “Nice to meet you all, we haven’t seen much people around here”, Theo says politely. “We’ve only seen walkers for the past few weeks, coming through from the city”, Shae adds. “You aren’t planning on staying here, are you?”, Theo asks. “We were going to stay a night or two”, My Dad said confidently. “I wouldn’t advise that Mr. Grimes, hoards of em’ come through at night. That’s why we were up ont he roof, it’s the only safe place.” My Dad ran his hand through his hair and frowned. “You can come with us”, I interrupted. “We don’t know where we’re going yet Bree”, My Dad interjected. “Regardless of where we’re going, they’re coming with us”, I said stubbornly. “Fine”, My Dad said firmly. “We should go back to the highway, reasonably safe there”, Dale comments. We all nod in agreement and retreat to the cars. I motion for Shae and Theo to get in my truck. Shae gets in the backseat and Theo in the front passneger seat. Daryl was beside us on his motorcycle. He started the engine and looked at me through the window. He smirked at me and I couldn’t help but blush. I looked away and began to drive away from the ghost town.

We returned ot the highway and set up camp for the night. I stayed in my car away from the group. Theo and Shae stayed with me also. “I don’t think its a good idea to stay in this are”, Shae announces. “I know, but my Dad is in charge unfortunately”, I sigh. “Its going to start getting cold soon, the group will freeze if we haven’t got a proper form of shelter”, Theo informed. I knew Theo was right. We needed a building large enough for our group. I knew that my Dad wouldn’t let me make a decision like that. “We need to find somewhere and fortify it”, Shae said firmly. “My Dad won’t agree to that, he’s too stubborn to take anyone elses suggestions”, I say, shaking my head. “Then what do we do?”, Theo asks. What were we going to do? My Dad had no plan for the impending winter and he didn’t even know where we going tomorrow. Shane would root for Fort Benning whenever the topic of shelter came up. Fort Benning was no doubt overun with the people escaping from the cities.

But I know for sure that we can’t just be like sitting ducks on the highway. A herd could pass directly from the city then we’d be as good as dead. There was only one thing I could think of. It was selfish but it’d work better. It might seperate the group but I think it could work. “We’re scout for locations, we’ll to have to split up. The winter won’t be survivable if we stay near here, we have to go far”. Shae and Theo looked to each other and nodded in agreement. “So, all three of us will scout for secure locations and return to the group when we find one?”, Theo questions. “I think we’re the best to go, we know how to handle ourselves and the rest can stay here and work on repairing the RV”, I explain. “Sounds like a plan”, Shae nods. “Now we just have to tell your Dad”, Theo sighs heavily. “I’ll tell him now”, I say. I hop out of the car and make a bee line for the cherokee. “Dad, we need to talk”, I demanded. He waved for my Mom and Carl to leave. They left and he listened to ever word I had to say. “I think we both know that we can’t stay here, especially with the winter looming”, I start. “I decided that myself, Theo and Shae are going to look for somewhere we can stay for the winter”, I reveal. “I don’t think it’s a good idea that only three of you go”, He says with a shake of his head. “Well have you any suggestions?”, I sigh. “Have they even got any experience with walkers?”, My Dad says snidely. “Yes, they have a lot of experience with walkers and plenty of other things”, I quip. “How long are you planning on scouting?”, He asks. “Until we find somewhere safe for the entire group”, I say firmly. “Fine, you can go but you’ll have to be alert at all times. You got that?”, He lectures. “I was in the army, I know how to deal with this”, I snap. “We’re leaving now, I don’t want any of these people to die. We need to find somewhere as soon as possible”. I turn on my heel and walk off. I get back into my car and I notice Daryl watching me. Daryl. I needed to tell him. I got back out and went over to him. “I need to tell you something”, I say. “What is it?”, He says gruffly. “I’m leavin’, Only for a little while. Just until I find a safe location for the group”. He looks devastated but covers it up quickly. “Come back safe Bree”, He says. He looks to see if my Dad can see us. He’s occupied talking to Carol. He collides his lips with mine and for a split second I feel love bubble inside me. He backs away and smiles sadly. “I’ll be back as soon as I can Daryl, I promise”. 

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