Chapter 7 - Burn It To The Ground

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I wait for Daryl to return. At this stage I’ve already finished my beer and yearning for another one. I drag myself out of bed and dress into a gray nightie with white lace trim. I walk down the hall barefooted and slip into the dining hall. I saunter over to the fridge and grab two cans of beer. I turned around and smakced into Shane’s chest. “Move it, Shane”, I muttered. I went around him but an arm snaked around my waist and yanked me back. I shivered in disgust. “I’ve had enough trouble of your family tonight, Bree”, He growled. “What the hell do you mean?”, I questioned. He chugged back whiskey out of the bottle before replying. “You’re Mom wants nothin’ to do with me anymore now that your Dad is back”, He spits. “Maybe that’s because you told us he died, turns out you were just lying so you could get Mom to hop into your bed”, I quipped. He runs his hands through his hair irritably. “I’m going back to my room”, I mutter. “How about you room with me instead? I’m a much better room mate than that redneck piece of scum”. He smirked cockily and that was the last straw. “How dare you talk about him like that?!”, I hiss. “He doesn’t love you, he’s just screwing you because no one else will”. Anger pured out of my veins. What was I supposed to do? Make a stupid comeback. “You’re just jealous because no ones sleeping with you anymore, poor single shane”, I mocked. He narrowed his eye at me and came closer to me. “At least I didn’t sleep with people that were fucking criminals”, He spat. How the hell did he know about Erik and Alex. He could say all he wanted about Eric, but Alex wasn’t the one that used me as a fucking rag doll. “How do you know?! Who fucking told you Shane?”, I asked, terrified to learn the answer. “Who do you think was on night shift when Erik was arrested, me. You’re fucking lucky that I haven’t told your Dad”, He spits. “You know nothing, Shane”, I said coldly. “But I do, I know all about Erik, Alex, your other friends.” He was skating on thin ice. If I had a weapon right now he’d be lying dead on the floor. “Alex did nothing wrong, he fixed the mistakes that Erik made. Fair enough call him a criminal, I don’t care, but he was a good man.” Alex was an angel compared to Erik. Sure, Alex had his faults. He insisted on me staying by his side every second of every day, he took enough drugs to sedate Atlanta for a week everyday and he made mistakes. But Alex never stabbed me, raped me or beat me like Erik did. “He wasn’t a good man Bree, he’s in prison. Probably dead now, but I’m pretty sure if your Dad found out you were poppin’ pills, drinking yourself into oblivion and sleeping with drug dealers close to three years he’s be pretty angry”, He taunted. “Fuck you”, I hissed. I stormed off down the hall and bumped into Mom. She looked pretty rattled as well. “You alright, Mom?”, I ask worriedly. She nodded before hurrying into her room. I went into mine and Daryl’s room and he was lying in bed drinking beer. “Where were you earlier?”, I ask. “Exploring”, He said simply. I sat on the bed and opened another can of beer. I pondered for a moment. Did Daryl really not love me? There’s only one way to find out. I put the can on the ground and hopped onto the end of Daryl’s bed. I crawled up to him and locked my lips on his. I placed myslef on his lap and he brought me closer. Butterflies flew around my stomach rapidly as I let his tongue slip into my mouth. He groaned into my mouth as he began to pull away. He took off his shirt and began to pull my nightshirt over my head. I took off my underwear and unbuckled Daryl’s belt. “You’re a fucking tease, Bree”, He said, breathless. I left a trail of kisses leading from his neck to his hips. I felt a breath hitch in my throat as Daryl put his hands on my ass. I moaned softly as he massaged me carefully. “You say I’m a tease?”, I say breathlessly.  “We have to be quiet Bree, Shane and your parent’s room are either side of us”, He smirked. I launched myself onto him, attacking him with kisses. My skin was red hot and I needed his touch. He groaned as I took his boxers off. “Have to be quiet”, I mocked. He smirked and then finally we stopped teasing each other.

I woke up wrapped in a tangle of sheets. My head banged like a knocking door as I sat up. I heard people shouting outside the door. I wrapped the sheet around me and stuck my head out, hoping no one will spot me in my semi-naked state. The emergency lights were on and flashing rapidly. Carol spotted me and ran over. “Bree, we have to get out of here!”, She said with tears running down her face. “What’s happening?!”, I question. “The generators are running out of fuel, at 0% fuel the building is going to explode!”, She frantically explained. “Okay, make sure you get Sophia out of here!”, I say. She runs off with Sophia in tow. I go back into teh room and shut the door loud enough for Daryl to wake up with a jolt. “Daryl, we have to go. Now”. He seemed dazed for a moment but when he saw the worried expression upon my face he darted out of bed. I rummaged through my bag and took out an outfit. I put on grey biker jeans, blue tank top and my boots. I hurriedly packed my bags and slung one on my back and carried the other. I put my silenced gun in it’s holster and my combat knife in my weapon belt. Daryl got dressed so fast it looked like I blur. He slung his crossbow on his shoulder and we ran out into the hall. We advanced up the levels to where we had entered. We were in the control center as the alarm bells started to ring. Jenner had locked us in. My Dad, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn were shouting at him to let us out. “I told you I wasn’t opening the door again!”, Jenner shouts. I stormed over with steam literally coming out of my ears. “You open that door right now, just because you’ve given up on life doesn’t mean our group has, you got that?”, I spit. “I don’t think you understand girl, there is nothing and I mean nothing outside!”, He booms. Daryl picked up an axe and is ready to swing at Jenner put I wave my arm in the way. “If you kill him there’s no way we can open them doors, not without the passcode”, I say calmly. Jenner pulls my Dad aside and whispers to him. “Stop telling secrets and open the goddamn door!”, Daryl roars. He twirls the axe in his hands, ready to launch at Jenner. “I made a promise to my wife before she died, I told her I’d keep going till the end”, He says solemnly. He needed to quit the sob stories and open the door. I wasn’t going to die in here, no fucking way. “Open the door now, we have children with us! They don’t deserve to die because some fucking mad man says so!”, I shriek. I didn’t want Carl to die this way, even though the walkers were probably waiting outside the door lingering for their next picnic. “Fine, I’ll open the door”, He says, defeated. He puts in the code and the metal door launches open. “You still won’t be able to get pass the lockdown though”, He mutters. We rush through the door. I notice Jacqui and Andrea remaining by Jenner’s side. “Come on!”, I yell. “I don’t want to end up like Jim and Amy!”, Jacqui says with a single tear falling onto her cheek. “I’m staying aswell”, Andrea croaks out. I didn’t know Jacqui well but I knew Andrea. Dale runs up beside me and tried to get Andrea to come with us. “Amy wouldn’t want you to do this”, He says tearfully. Daryl pulls me by the wrist and I let Dale argue with Andrea. I run alongside Daryl and we make it to the lobby. Carol fumbles in her purse. “I don’t think a nail file will cut it, Carol”, Shane fumes. “I found a grenade in Rick’s pocket a while ago”, She mumbles. She hands it to my Dad. Dad tosses it at the glass window and we make a break for it. I was right, the walkers were ready for a snack. Well tough, they weren’t getting one. I took my gun out and aimed at the one in front of my truck. It fell to the ground and I ran over to the truck. Daryl hopped in beside me. I shakily put the keys in the ignition and accelerated. Andrea and Dale were hurtling out of the window and seconds later, the ominous boom filled my ears. Please say they didn’t die, please. I watched as the thick black smoke rose into the air. Dale and Andrea appeared and they threw themselves into the RV. I put my foot down and sped off, away from the burning burial ground.

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