Chapter 23 - Suspicions

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The room was too over the top for my liking. It was too regal and too fancy. There was clothes in the wardrobe that aren’t very pracitcal for running away from zombies. Alex took the other double bed and was in the middle of taking a nap. We learned that Sebastian is the leader but has his family in charge of certain areas in the hotel. His sister Miriam is in charge of accomadation. His daughter,Rose, is in charge of the dining room. Rose’s husband, Graham is in charge of security. they seem to run a tight ship and I wasn’t going to interfere. But I still felt like it was a bit strange that they just took us in without asking us any questions.

Sebastian told us that we were to meet him and his family for dinner.

I went into the bathroom and saw there was a working shower. I hobbled over on my sore ankle and began to take my clothes off. I savoured every minute of the hot water streaming down my back. Daryl would have loved this. No, Bree you can’t think of him. He might be dead.

I hopped out feeling fresher than I have in weeks. I wrapped a fluffy towel around me and browsed through the elegnat clothes hanging in the wardrobe. I put on a light blue sleeveless blouse, white skinny jeans and a pair of tan suede ankle boots. I braided my hair and I looked in the mirror in awe. I looked so different that I could barely recognise myself. Alex was awake now. “Fancy clothes, huh?”, He scoffed. “It all feels too perfect, there has to be something up with this place”, I said in a hushed tone just in case people could hear me from the hallway. “We just need to be thankful, we don’t know what these people are capable of yet Bree”, Alex says. “I know, but my Dad has me taught not to trust people anymore”, I sigh. Alex gets in the shower and I wait nervously on my bed. I didn’t feel safe here, I should feel safe. Theres no walkers to kill me, why was I afraid?

We strolled down the corridor and knocked on the door. Sebastian opened it and was now in a grey suit. “Evening!”, He beamed. He lead us in and there was a few people sitting with perfect posture at a table with a white satin tablecloth. A woman who I presumed to be his daughter stood up and strode over elegantly. “It’s so nice to meet you both, I’m Rose Delacourt. I’m in charge of the dining room”, She said in a polite voice. I shook her hand and she sat back down. “Would you like some wine?”, A man with piercing green eyes asked me, I could only assume that he was Rose’s husband Graham. “Yes please”, I said in the most polite way possible. A woman came in with a maid uniform on. She had plates on a tray that had freshly made dinner on them. I sat down beside Alex and we were served our dinner of a hearty stew. I relished every last mouthful. “Where do you manage to find beef around here?”, I ask. “We have another group that supplies us with only the best”, Sebastian says.

“To our newcomers, Bree and Alex!”, Sebastian cheers as he raises his wine glass. His family cheered also and they all had big smiles plastered on their perfectly made up faces. Maybe I was wrong about this place after all.

The sun streamed in through the curtains as I slowly woke myself up. We have been here for three days and we were fitting in well. Alex got along well with Rose’s husband Graham and I spent my days helping Rose in the kitchen. Miriam was still a bit cautious around us but I couldn’t blame her because she hardly knew us.

By spending my days in the kitchens it helped get my mind off my family. I knew there was a possibility that they were all dead but I still had hope that they were alive out there, waiting for me.

I showered and braided my hair. Everyday I did the same, I bathed, dressed, went to the kitchen and came back to mine and Alex’s room.

I put on a red sleeveless buttoned blouse with lace on the lapel, grey skinny jeans and a black waterfall cardigan on. I slip on a pair of tan sueded lace up ankle boots on my feet. My ankle was a lot better now because I wasn’t constantly putting weight on it by running. Alex was getting ready to help Graham keep watch from one of the balconies. “Be careful”, Alex warned as I began to open the door. “I think we’re okay here, Alex”, I reply. “Just in case”, He said cautiously.

I began to chop carrots for making a soup. “So, do you like working here in the kitchen?”, Rose asks as she begins chopping up chicken. “Yeah, its much better than the jobs I had back in my old camp”, I said, painfully remembering the prison. “What happened to your camp?”, She asks. “It was taken over by another group, they wanted us out so we left”, I lied. I couldn’t risk telling her the truth just in case, we didn’t know what these people were like properly yet. “That’s a shame. The people out there are desperate nowadays, I make sure to thank my Dad everyday for keeping us safe in here”, She says with a smile. “He certainly knows how to keep this place running as if the apocalypse never happened”, I say with a small laugh. “My Dad always had a dream of owning a hotel, now he does”, She says. I continue to chop vegetables and add them into the soup pot. “Let me”, Rose says, taking the knife from me and takes over chopping. “You should go and rest, you’ve been here for hours”, She says kindly. “Okay, let me know if you need my help. You know where to find me”, I say. I walk back to the room and occupy myself by organising my backpack. I then started wandering around our room and found a radio. I doubted that it would work, I was wrong. I turned it on and a gentle staic came out of the speakers. I fiddled with the dial and I heard voices. “Terminus, sanctaury for all”. I couldn’t believe it, there is a sanctuary. That meant that if I was able to hear this then if there was survivors from the prison they could probably hear it too. The door opened and Alex walked in with a look of panic on his face. The transmission played repeatedly with some of the words sounding tinny and fuzzy at times. “Bree! I need to show you something!”, He insisted. I stood up and he took my hand. He lead me down the hallway and we came to the stairwell that had a rope cordening it off. “We can’t go up here, it’s against the rules!”, I whisper shouted. “You need to see this!”, He siad with a worried look in his light blue eyes. I climbed up the stairs hesitantly and we got to floor seven. The hallways were dimly lit and most of the doors had padlocks on them. He pulled me by the hand over to a set of double doors. “Is this the function room?”, I ask. He nodded. He lifted me up quickly so I could see though the small window. I was absolutely horrified by what I saw. Graham and Sebastian and several bodyguards were placing people in handcuffs that barely had scraps of clothes on them. They then chained them to the walls and stamped numbers on them. “I think they keep these as slaves or something”, Alex said. He let me down. My limbs were trembling as I imagine what the men could be doing to them people. “What are we going to do?”, I fretted. “We need to figure out how to get out of here, I don’t want us ending up like the poor people in there”, He declared. 

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